I think that's a winner. Nothing too emotional or sappy. Just recognizing his contribution and showing our support. It would obviously mean a lot to him, though.
These back to back would be pretty awesome. Kind of like a Geaux Tigers cheer followed by an L-S-U cheer.
OK. Crowd chants. Hmmm. How about: We love Les. :shock: Hmm, doesn't come out right. Ok: Geaux Les Miles. :shock: Sounds like a gas saving commericial. Ok: More Les. :shock: Sounds like we can't make up our minds. Ok: Don't go Miles. :shock: Sounds like we're lazy. Ok: Stay Les. :shock: Motel 6 commercial. Oh heck. Lesticles it is.
If we could get the cheerleaders to hold up "Les" and "Miles" boards for the crowd to see instead of the standard "GEAUX" and "TIGERS" boards, this would be a PERFECT tribute. Someone who knows a cheerleader...get to work!!!
that's about all you'd need to do... no massive internet campaign, just a simple change of signs. I think Miles would have to be touched by that kind of a show of appreciation.
I just read on another message board that everyone should wear white hats. I thought that was a good idea. Fear the hat(s)
I tried, but i dont think the bammer boards are advanced enough hehehehe...or maybe you have to be a contributor and i sure as hell am not contributing anything to that board except for my 2 cents. :wave: