judging by innings pitched, they seem to almost do the committee thing all the time. so tonight and tomorrow we'll probably see several guys each game. they're all adequate arms but nothing dominant, so we should be able to score. the question is if we can stop (or at least limit) their offense who seems to hit everyone.
I think so, but we will have to bring our best. This CC team has been on the verge of making it a few years now. You gotta believe they can smell the finish line, not to mention they are really good. If we play like we are capable we could do it.
Latz. Seems more like want than promise letting him pitch. He served up 2 beauties, in a row. Kind of crazy, but Dunn likes him.
Im sure scouts like him too. Remember that sick pitch he had working vs Utah St. They probably see that regularly at practice. But who gives a fuck about potential. Give me a pitcher with some guile and guts in the postseason. Bugg fits that bill long before latz even though hes had a crazy year considering last.
BC & Miami about to get UGLY. And the clown from the U that hit the grand slam deserves to get his ass whipped.
And it took 10 mins for the idiot announcers to figure out it had nothing to do with a bat flip which wasnt a bat flip anyhow. It was the ticker tape parade at home plate before he even crossed. MF I missed the walk off grand slam for UCSB against Louisville. A Warren Morris moment. Down 3-0 most of the game. Won 4-3 on one swing. Puts them in Omaha.