I hope the NFL is wise enough to look at this year and realize that they should never hold the big game any place else but in a southern city. Look at the blizzards taking place across the country. But they will undoubtedly be tempted to give a team up north with a domed stadium another shot eventually. Remember when they played it in Detroit? New Orleans is still the best location. The hotels are close to the Dome. Everything is close and compact and we are very experienced at hosting big events. I heard reporters complaining that it took an hour and a half to reach venues in Miami.
2011 - Dallas 2012 - Indy 2013 - New Orleans I think Phoenix as it in 2014. Goodell is supposedly eager to bring it to NYC once they have their new sadium.
I'm for indoor venues as well. Why not have perfect weather for the big game. Outdoor games are a risk.
The problem is not the domes. The problem is the snow that shuts down the roads and airports and makes getting to the venues a nightmare. The northeast, including NYC was a nightmare during the Super Bowl. Don't think this didn't help with the record TV ratings when people are snowed in or it is too nasty to want to do anything else but stay in and watch television.
i think it was bill simmons that said the super bowl should just rotate btwn, miami, new orleans, san diego, and phoenix. i'd be down with that. of course you could probably throw dallas in the mix now.
I've been to Jerry World. Hate it. It's not close to anything. And......it's supposed to snow tomorrow.
that was the biggest disappointment about miami the last time i went (for the nc last year) was that the satdium was so far away from south beach so there were like two separate parties, it never felt central. wonder what those other sites are like? edit: which is why i don't want a new stadium for the saints, i would rather them rebuild or renovate the dome.