OMG. Are you the one putting up the billboards in Atlanta?
Why? Its pointless. 160 thousand or 1.6 million signatures; the game is not getting replayed. I'm going with Mike Scott of's plan.... New Orleans-wide boycott of the Super Bowl. Saints games have produced some of the NFL's all-time best TV ratings, especially this year. Super Bowl*LVIII (or Super Bowl LIE, as he calls it) needs to pull a rating of 0.0 in nola.
It won't change the outcome but if enough people sign it the suits at the NFL will worry that it will cost them eyeballs for their premier adverting event. Maybe you could get your TV station and people you know at other Louisiana stations not affiliated with the network broadcasting the Superbowl to air the 2009 Superbowl at the same time. Make a big deal about it, sell some advertising. Call it some catchy name like The Alternative Superbowl or something.
I would be surprised if the NO restaurant/bar/entertainment industries support that. Two weeks is a long time for peoples bruised feelings to heal.
Couldn't be done. NFL still holds the broadcast rights and would never release them, especially not to compete against the live game.
He’s clueless. All his responses are the same. He escpecially likes homo references but here are some of his favs.