Horrible idea, IMO. Then again, it's not like I'd ever pay for a ticket to the big game in the US anyway, so as long as it's in HD, I guess it doesn't matter where it's played. :hihi:
Not a big NFL fan but would think that wouldn't be a good move PR-wise. Seems like NFL fans would be upset, not to mention the revenues the host city loses. What's next? The Kentucky Derby moving to Vinton??
This is a rediculous idea! Football is America's sport, no other country is playing it or either attempting to start it. The Superbowl brings millions of dollars to American cities every year, so why on earth would you give those millions to another country? You don't see the Rugby world championship being played in the US. This is crazy, It is our version of "football", its because of us that it has blown up worldwide, the money and the championship should stay with us!
I agree and reading those words made me realize just how much that would be BEGGING for terrorist activity...talk about the perfect venue for dem bastids to set off a bomb.
Super Bowl tickets are already ridiculously expensive as it is. Does the NFL really think that people are going to drop thousands of more dollars travelling to an international locale to see the Super Bowl? Sure, they'll probably get fans from whatever country it's being played in to go, but this is American football. This is a horrible idea. I have no problem with playing an exhibition game or two overseas, but the Super Bowl and even a regular season game, for that matter, is just a bad idea.
Exactly. If they want to see it in person that bad they can fly here. I guess they are considering renaming to the IFL.
Just imagine if your favorite team finally makes it, and the Super Bowl is in London. That would be terrible. It would be cool if we could have a pro sports setup similar to what they have in Europe, where club teams from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, etc. all play each other - but geographically it just isn't possible. USA and Canada dominate North America and Mexico just isn't solvent enough. This is a poor idea that should have never been brought up publicly.
It's PROFESSIONAL sports, folks. They can and WILL play where the $$$$$$ is. OR where they THINK it is. Simple as that. I don't care for the idea either, but it truly is THEIR BUSINESS. If you don't like it, then don't patronize it.