No one got fired for ONLY losing to Saban. That's a Taint argument. Show me the coach with consistent 11-1 seasons that got canned. Certainly wasn't Les...
So Sumlin gets 10 mil to be paid in 60 days and the number is NOT offset if he gets another gig. Nicely done sir
If Les had gone 11-1 every year woth the loss being to Alabama he wpuld still be the coach. He got fired because he is too stubborn to change.
He should pay his agent a nice bonus. On second thought he probably is. An agent that smart would have it in the coach-agent contract.
that’s why i worded it “keeping up with” meaning he’s the only one winning the division now. 6 of last 10 div titles was Bama Auburn with 3 LSU with 1 nobody else been to atlanta, so coaches get canned
I agree.....Since Saban has been here, every team in the SEC West has replaced their head coach. The only one not fired was Mullen. I think Saban has a little something to do with it.