My apologies to someone named HoopyD over on Tigerdroppings who started this thread over there, but it's such a great idea that I thought it appropriate to truly "Hijack" it to over here. What you guys thinking? Pick one stud and one sleeper from the 2010 class so far. Or pick several in each category, but in biggest to least order. Stud: Spencer Ware Sleeper: Luke Muncie
Just to throw another Stud name out there (b/c I really like Ware, too)... Stud: Eric Reid Sleeper: Brandon Worle
I agree, I think Reid is going to be a monster as well as Ware. My sleeper is Worle as well, he could play as a true freshman But Welter has a nose for the football, I expect him on special teams next year.
Stud-Allen Sleeper-Bates, I don't have a clue what kind of player he is, just tired of reading all the trash talking (other sites) about him. Hope he turns into a monster:wave:
I was thinking of Worle as a sleeper because there's no mention of him in discussions of running backs...because he's listed as a fullback. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the coaching staff grooms someone like Nick Jacobs as a blocking FB and moves Worle to RB and using him there. After that video BHelm posted on Worle, I don't really consider him a sleeper. I bet he plays as a freshman either at RB or FB depending on the play called. Maclin may be a sleeper because he committed so early and seems firm in his commitment so that no one discusses him anymore. I picked Muncie because he's a safety moving to LB and fits the mold of a project.
I didn't pick Worle for a similar reason. I think he is the real deal and I see him staying at FB but could be used like Hester later in his career. Muncie actually played a ton of LB in HS too but they use him to cover WRs and TEs from the LB spot as well.