Re: Stuart Mandel: LSU 31, GA Tech 27 Goodbye, cheerio, Adiós, Khush, Sciao, farewell, Aquetan, au revoir, Aloha, Sayonaro, Salám, so long, La revedere, Godspeed, Addiu, Ngeyavalilisa, toodle-oo, bye-bye... Pick one..just go away gump.
Re: Stuart Mandel: LSU 31, GA Tech 27 You know, I do believe that there is an ignore function on this site. I understand though, you love to hate me...and I love it. I'm like Finebaum to you aren't I? You hate me but you just cant touch that dial. :hihi: I stay here for my fans (Saltyone, tirk, Nutraitch, among others). :thumb:
Re: Stuart Mandel: LSU 31, GA Tech 27 Nope...I'm just trying to remind you that your two weeks are more than up.
Re: Stuart Mandel: LSU 31, GA Tech 27 Oh I know. I decided to stay though. Like I dont like it, use the ignore function. If not, STFU. :thumb:
Re: Stuart Mandel: LSU 31, GA Tech 27 since then you said you were gone an other time as well. guess that was as truthful as that off to the Navy commment you made a couple years back. Bama fan telling a local to STFU? that's rich
Re: Stuart Mandel: LSU 31, GA Tech 27 You really are bitter about getting no trophy this year huh? :lol: :wink: