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Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by MiketheTiger69, May 15, 2004.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I'd call it a draw. :wink:
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    please pay attention. i have said this multiple times. i do not have "faith" in the big bang. i cannot believe i have to explain this again. big bang is a theory, not a fact. scientists do not tell it to you and you are expected to accept it as fact. they are not sure either. it is only a POSSIBLE explanation. can you understand that? i have no blind faith in big bang. i am not basing my life on the big bang. if scientists came out with an opposing theory tomorrow that they feel is better, thats fine with me. i dunno how many times or ways i have to explain to you i do not have the answers to the origins of the universe. i make up no foolish lies to explain anything.

    how many times and ways will i have to explain this to you? 4 more times? will that suffice? 8 more times?

    you talk to me as if you do not know what the word faith means.

    please read more closely and pay attention. i fully admit there are people far smarter than me who are christians.

    and please be a little smarter and understand that lack of proof that something is not true does not make it true any more than any other arbitrary statement. this is so elementary, it is stunning to me that you dont understand. pay very close attention. you cannot prove it untrue that santa claus is a magical creature that lives at the center of the earth playing backgammon with monkeys. we cant prove it untrue, because nobody ever went to the center of the earth and saw that he wasnt there. and even if they did, maybe he is invisible! THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE! comprende?
  3. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    SPRINGFIELD, Illinois (AP) -- When it comes to Abraham Lincoln, some of the people are fooled all of the time.

    Remarks attributed to the quotable 16th president have popped up in everything from television commercials to speeches by famous generals, presidents and even recent anti-war protesters. Too often, they are phrases that Lincoln never uttered, experts at the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency say.

    "It's simply Lincoln's own status as a cultural exemplar that make these spurious quotations seem credible," said Rodney Davis, co-director of the Lincoln Studies Center at Knox College in Galesburg.

    "He seems to provide validation for just about anything anybody wants to have validated, and if you can't find a Lincoln quote, you make one up."

    Quotes by a minister, a poet and even an actor portraying Lincoln on an episode of "Star Trek" have been attributed to the president, according to Illinois state historian Thomas Schwartz

    The preservation agency has added a page to its Web site that exposes famous sayings Lincoln never made. Among them:

    -- "To sin by silence, when they should protest, makes cowards of men."

    -- "There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There's nothing good in war except its ending."

    -- "The strength of the nation lies in the homes of its people."

    And then there's this one: "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

    Allegedly part of a September 1858 speech in Clinton, the sentence does not show up in the text printed in the local newspaper, Schwartz said. The best evidence available comes from two people in 1910 recollecting that Lincoln said it in 1856.

    Davis hopes the Web site, which also highlights fake Lincoln documents, will remind people "that there is such a thing as intellectual or scholarly honesty."

    "And these are standards that need to be adhered to," he said.

    another words, if you weren't there, it's likey some of the agnostics/atheists whatever the crap they are, promoted these sayings. Abe was known to read the bible every day and be a very religous man.

    martin, you're grasping. Like I said there may be NO wizard as you call it, but if there is, you're in deep ****.

    Earlier you posted and I paraphrse, that you could not belive in what is OBVIOUSLY a fairy tale. I think a poster here challenged you to point out exactly WHY it IS a fairy tale as you so aptly put it. I realize the monkeys and santa can't be disproven either. BUT you claim you KNOW there is no god or wizard. You've said it is too ridiculous to believe, yet in another section you admit, you just don't know. So which is it? You don't know or it's wizardry and hocus pocus like palm reading? If it's hocus pocus prove it? if you just don't know then STFU. thats pretty 12 year old enough to understand right?
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    ok fine i concede that your views of religion, as well as the santa and monkeys scenario can't be disproven, and therefore are possible in the mathmatical sense of the word. i believe they are about equally likely to be true.

    so you are correct to correct me. i should be more specific whan i say your religion is obviously false. it is obviously false in the way that it is false to believe i will win the lottery every time any lottery is ever offered for the rest of my life, by random chance. i mean it could happen, and i cant prove it won't.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    So.. you're saying there's a chance - Lloyd in Dumb & Dumber
  6. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I'm not sure but I think he is saying here that he just doesn't know. He didn't come right out and say it. As I asked him earlier to clarify this. He himself says he admits he is ignorant on the subject of wizards, just as he is about big bang.

    So basically you don't know, since you didn't elect to give a reason why it was impossible. Just unlikely. or as you implied, very unlikey.

    I would then assume you to consider ANY theory just as unlikely since mere mortals and learned scholars are not able to prove or disprove wisards and prehistoric deep space explosions.

    So basically we are back to faith right? It's what you believe and you don't believe anything, you're just apethetic. Tell me if I'm wrong here?

    So if you're apathetic why do you insist on making "light" of wizards and dragons but scientists who are JUST a CLULESS are withheld from this onslaught of verbal diatribe?

    Looks like to me you would speak of each with equal disdain. Or do you sir ACTUALLY favor one particular theory out there and you have elected to claim ambiguity?

    You're on the brink of contridiction here.
    You 're either lying about not favoring one theory or the other just to keep the fact being pointed out to you that one is just as unlikey as the other OR
    You are really apathetic but find it easier to jest about Christianity than Evolution theory. which gets me back to deep down inside you favor a theory just as unlikey as the other.

    Martin I kind of like you, I'm not trying to antagonize you but, if you're going to poke fun at wizards and clain it is ridiculous at least have some alternative view albeit just as ridiculous. If you have no opinion then maybe you should give equal time to ridicule all theorys. What say you?
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    big bang is a theory. i dont need to ridicule it. nobody is claiming it is positively true. you dont seem to understand the difference between a theory and your beliefs.

    your religion is not a theory. it is "gospel" truth. you believe it without evidence. i do not base my life and beliefs on big bang. i do not care if it is wrong or right. i do not make decisions based on it. i do not preach it. i do not go worship it once a week. i do not base my system of morals on it. i do not care if my children believe it. i do not hope our government makes laws based on it. can you understand the difference?

    imagine if we are discussing the kennedy assassination. we talk over some theories, oswald worked alone, oswald was a patsy, second gunman in the grassy knoll, yunno bouncing around ideas. but we cant come up with an answer. i say, "hell, i will go with oswald worked alone, that seems to make sense to me, but i guess we can't know for sure right now". you respond with "it was a magical flying purple alien, i am certain of it. i will bet my life on it, i have faith". when mnore evidence comes out, showing how silly your purple alien idea is, you change your "interpretation" accordingly.

    that is religion.

    but, with you we will take baby steps. i will talk you through the logic i understood in 7th grade that was the end of religion for me. but i will quote evolutionary biologis and writer richard dawkins, because he says it better than i do.

    "Out of all of the sects in the world, we notice an uncanny coincidence: the overwhelming majority just happen to choose the one that their parents belong to. Not the sect that has the best evidence in its favour, the best miracles, the best moral code, the best cathedral, the best stained glass, the best music: when it comes to choosing from the smorgasbord of available religions, their potential virtues seem to count for nothing, compared to the matter of heredity. This is an unmistakable fact; nobody could seriously deny it. Yet people with full knowledge of the arbitrary nature of this heredity, somehow manage to go on believing in their religion, often with such fanaticism that they are prepared to murder people who follow a different one."

    that is what i realized in 7th grade, at age 11. none of your beliefs make sense. you are brainwashed and scared of ignorance. you cannot deal with your own mortality. you make up things to explain the scary unknowns.

    this argument is mildly entertaining, yet mostly pointless. if you believe what you have been told about jesus dying on a cross forgiving you sins, you prove you have no intention of being rational. you realize it makes no sense whatsoever, but you do not care. you have decided to believe, and you are probably going to stick to it. you have faith. you do not care about reason and logic, and therefore arguing about it is pointless.
  8. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    man you cant even answer a simple question. This isnt about some writer named richard dawkins, and it isn't about MY theory or what I believe. For all you know I could be Hindu. You seem to lump Christianity in with other religions and darwinism as a "theory", yet you espouse non of them as more credible than the other or SO YOU SAY. Now forget what You THINK my religion requires of me, which BTW you have no clue as evidenced by your banter. But that is a different topic.

    Can't you answer the simple question asked?

    Either you accept one theory as being somewhat viable, and in this case can you prove it to be true or can you prove all others to be false?

    OR you believe in non and as you say could care less what others believe and do not respect any beliefs and this gives you the right to ridicule one more than the other.

    Your argument about the Big bang theory not being a religion doesn't hold water, for although it may not be a religion per se', I submit to you that DART TOURNEMENTS can be a religion if a person is willing to take it to that level.
    Going by what you yourself define religion as, the NAACP could be a religion.

    Now which is it sir? or will you again squirm away from the situation by trying to insult my intellegience, which very well may be twice that of yours. After all this is the internet, you or I haven't taken an IQ test and compared resutls.

    Can you answer the question? I understand your argument so please don't go over it again, it's pretty worthless.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    ok, lets assume my "intellegience" is average and my iq is around 100, yours is twice mine, so yours is 200, which is pretty rare, around 1 in 4.8 billion, which makes you one of the smartest people on earth, congratulations.

    you would think that being that smart you would know the difference between a scientific theory based on evidence, and religions, which are based on faith. maybe you are an autistic savant (like rain man), and your skill is being incredibly bad at understanding what i am telling you.
  10. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    thank you! although i said it very well COULD be I didnt say it was, or even implied it, you jumped to that conclusion.

    Let us use your big bang theory or maybe not your's but "A" theory.

    There is a point where the big bang scientific theory has to depart from evidence and rely on faith, I've been over this, now who isn't paying attention?

    The faith christianity has some evidence in history that a man Jesus Christ did exist, now at some point you have to rely on faith to "believe" in the wizardry as you call it.

    there is no difference between the two. Scientist or not, it's still based on theory at some point and if you BUY into it hook line and sinker and make it your HERALD call, You have to do it on faith. Of course we realize this is NOT a theory you support or believe in. :dis:

    Same sack of marbles.

    You know the more I think about you're "average" IQ assumation, I Do think you got it WAY off, you may have accidently assumed yours was average. it would suprise me to find it even as high as slighty below average.

    Obviously you realize I am not autistic, since I can use a computer to some degree, while it remains uncertain what your IQ level is.

    I submit to you another bull**** load you just crapped. :shock:

    It would be more likey that your IQ is significantly lower than mine than it would be that I was autistic, if you play the odds and apparently you do, since you quote them so eloquently and often.

    You won't ever answer this question, the best you can hope for is I will get tired of you. I find it quite amusing, you can't answer because it would admit you've been wrong in you're HYPOCRISY critisisms.

    Buddy I can't say this any better than the Pic below. LOL :grin:

    I think the mods took my smurfy pic out, oh well :)

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