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Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by MiketheTiger69, May 15, 2004.

  1. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I am sure it will be news to you that I don't give money to people on street corners either. I used to but I got tired of being burned so now I give my donations to established charities. If someone does approach me and ask for money for food, which often happens, I offer to take them to a McDonalds or Burger King and pay for them to eat. If their reaction is no, then I just tell them sorry. I would never bring any stranger like that into my home and I wouldn't expect any one of you to either.There is enough work such as washing your car or picking up trash or something without endangering your home and family from potential harm. Again, if I offer and they say they just want money, I say sorry. Nothing says you have to be stupid to be kind. But I guess you guys who condemn me and berate me can't see that.

    And tirk, I said if you couldn't make it original or funny, don't bother. Can't you read?
  2. rfalco1

    rfalco1 Freshman

    Jun 19, 2004
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    When I was in Atlanta for a semester for school, the Atlanta news did a story on how most people who beg on the street corners were actually quite wealthy.... before you judge me as stupid, think about it and it really does make sense... what the Atlanta news reported was that their income is non-taxed, and that in Atlanta, the bums really rack it up....

    they followed a homeless man around for a day, and ended up following him back to his civic where he drove to an uptown apartment that he shared with three other 'homeless' people. Upon interviewing the three men (anonymously to not ruin their 'homeless' cover within the city), the reporters discovered that the 4 homeless guys all pooled their beggings together and get this, if they managed $100 a day cumulative in begging (which easily happened off of the good will of Atlantans), in a year that ended up being $36,500 of untaxed income, which is more than a teacher in LA makes....

    I know this is probably a rarity, and I know for sure that this is not the case in Baton Rouge, but hey, interesting perspective to it all, eeh? So please don't tear me up, I just remembered this news story and hey, you can make good money begging in Atlanta!
  3. G_MAN113

    G_MAN113 Founding Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    My, we sure enjoy playing the martyr, don't we?
  4. MiketheTiger69

    MiketheTiger69 Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Old news! 60 Minutes did a report on this years ago. I know this goes on and it is why I don't give them money. My point I'm trying to make is, the general attitude of people is that EVERYONE who asks for a handout is doing it and it is not necessarily so. As a rule, we have no way of knowing who is or isn't. It really doesn't matter who is or isn't because they are the ones who will have to pay for their dishonesty. As Christians, Jesus commands us first, not to judge and second to help those less fortunate than ourselves. God will not judge us by their dishonesty but rather by our failure to follow His word. "Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brothers, that you also do unto me." Personally, I take that seriously. I also know that there but for the grace of God go I.

    So I choose to take the attitude of helping people if I can, Sometimes I am going to get burned but I try to focus on the times I don't. If you guys want to take another direction, so be it.

    You know, you guys come on here and reply to some of my posts with absolute hate! I wonder if any of you have ever stopped to consider that if the world were to take the stance of kindness and forgiveness what would happen. 9/11 would have been just like any other day. We wouldn't be in Iraq or Afghnistan and these poor people being kidnapped and murdered would stil be alive. Israel and the Palestinians wouldn't be murdering each other. I believe JS used the example of Munich and Hitler. Perhaps if the allies had treated the Germans with kindness and helped them like after WWII instead of seeking revenge and putting harsh penalties and punishments on them, then Hiltler probably wouldn't have come to power and there wouldn't have been a Munich or WWII.

    I already hear your argument, "The world doesn't act that way!" and you're right! But if you believe in God, as a Christian, then you know that in our personal relationship with Him, He doesn't judge us by others, only by ourselves. So if in that relationship it means that we lose our life or our so-called freedom or whatever else it costs to follow Him, then that is the price we must pay. 'What does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?"

    JS talks about Jesus not turning the other cheek. I believe on the Cross His words were, "Forgive them, Father." Strange words for someone to say about those torturing and killing Him. He says he knows the Bible but he somehow overlooks the part where Jesus says to love ones enemies and that what "you measure out shall be measured out unto you." and that is not payback by man but rather by God. He talks about how God ordered the Jews to wipe out totally their enemies but he forgets the parts where God tells the Israelis to put their trust in Him when they are outnumbered and the situation looks hopeless. He also seems to forget or ignore that when they turn away from their pagan ways and turn to Him, repenting and placing their faith in Him and following His laws, He rescues them and blesses them.

    You people criticize me and others for caring about our fellow man, no matter who he is. You call me an appeaser, coward and God knows what all. Nothing that I have said on here is anything from me. I've said nothing that doesn't come from the Holy Bible. God's words, not mine. You criticize those in power that have used restraint and call it cowardice. Well I thank God none of you have your fingers on the button! We probably wouldn't have been around to enjoy this wonderful year in LSU athletics.

    And BTW JS, you say I don't have any idea of what it means to be a Christian. Since you're the expert, why don't you enlighten us.
  5. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    martin, you're up. thanks.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i cant bring myself to read the debates between one christian strategy and another. to me that is like hearing an argument between palm readers. i am off to the astros/mets thread.
  7. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Mike I know Jesus was a forgiving savoir, thank god for his sacrifice, You put words into my mouth. I simply gave you an example where he "didnt" turn the other cheek. The time and the place when he did that was not to turn the other cheek.
    His purpose on te cross was to embody the sins of ALL mankind, his weight was great, to ease his mental anguish he asked his father to forgive them, for doctrine tells us that God turned his back on his son when he "became" sin for the world. It is also written that no sin can enter heaven, this Jesus pleaded with the father to forgive them. and he did.

    The part where you say I forget about God asking the Isrealites to put faith in HIM has nothing to do with the conversation. How is it that you can type I forgot that the jews fell in and out of Favor with the Lord? How would you know what I forgot or didn't forget? Just because I didn't mention it doesn't mean I forgot it. Even if I didn't forget it, you fail to bring up it's revelancy.

    I could now type that you forgot about Naaman ( a captn of the guard of Syria ) and how he was commanded to wash 7 times to alleviate his leprosy, but he resisted until a servant girl urged him to his eventual cleaning. He was simply irked that Elishah would not come out and perform some great miricale on him straight away as he rode up. 2Kings Chptr 5.
    I could say you forgot this, but what would be the point? does it mean that if I type that YOU forgot it, that makes it true? ot that it has revelancy in this subject?
    hardly my friend.

    BTW I don't disagree with you on your Christanity, just your politics.
    You're quote earlier " "Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brothers, that you also do unto me."" is dead on taken from the book of Matthew (Mt. 25:40) and is the way to look at giving.

    man if you're goin to quote the bible, excuse me for saying this but follow the advice you gave me. I realize you have some knowledge of the book but you seem to just pull stuff out of it and accuse someone of forgetting it without pointing out how it relates. The one example you gave of Jesus on the cross came closer to being relavant than the Old testament examples you gave. I purposely chose the story of Naaman to show you how far off you were on the subject.
    have a great day.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i was watching penn and teller bull****, and it reminded me of this thread and how tirk likes those psychic detectives. yunno they have been helpful saving lives!
  9. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    no dumdum, you either are too shallow to get the point or feel bad for looking that way. I said IF it was a last resort to save a child and you have no proof for something being a hoax or not, you'd sure exhaust all resources til you found your child.

    jeez rex.
  10. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    right, so you consider psychic detectives to be a "resource". how can you consider yourself anything other than a lunatic?

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