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Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by MiketheTiger69, May 15, 2004.

  1. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    dont avoid my question.... if all other hope failed and the above scenario was one last shot then I guess you'd say no, right? no, officer let my child die i think its stupid and a hoax. yeah, i believe that.
  2. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i told you, not only would i refuse that option, i would be fiercely angry at the idea of it.

    i am going to the harry potter movie at midnight. maybe i can learn some new wizard tricks and use them for fun. yunno because magic is true! who am i to say it isnt!

    and afterwards i will click my heels together and say "there is no place like home" , because who knows, i might save the subway fare!
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    pretty pathetic. Its fine to question things and even doubt them to an extent but to be downright stupid is another. I guess the only thing worthy is if someone promised you there was a million bucks if u looked there then you just out of curiosity looked and found it. But then again, that would just mean they put it there after they robbed a bank.

    If saving your kid's life by any means necessary would enrage you regardless if you deemed it stupid is ludicrous.

    I won't reply again since it is quite obvious your mindset is way beyond 'logical' thought even though you claim its others who aren't. Mock away, its very becoming of you.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    if i was a cop and i couldnt find your daughter, and instead of really investigating, i offered to throw darts at a world map and go investigate those places, would that please you? what if i had a psychic throw the darts?

    its amazing how wildy out of your minds all of you are. psychics, jesus, it is all the same. you are all crazy. its cool though.
  5. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    To paraphrase an Auburn fan, if you call me crazy again I am going to kill everybody.
  6. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I really doubt you would, he'd work you're LAME internet badda$$ over with a night stick. Keyboard hero. :dis:
  7. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    don't bother Tirk he is a rude SOB that is probably 100 lbs dripping wet with sweat and 12 bottles of soda pop inside, the proverbial 98 lb weakling and it just makes him feel so dahm good inside to come on here and dominate. :dis: or so he thinks.

    TRUST me he WOULD NOT be this rude in person, christian or not he'd get his a$$ handed to him in about 10 seconds around here. AND he could scream thin skined all he wanted to lying there in the dirt with his head up his a$$. :grin:

    People should REALLY pretend like you're talking to someone for REAL on here face to face.
    Read that as good advice.

    Martin, son I don't care what you believe and I'm not mad but if you want folks to "realize" they are in error, try using honey instead of vinegar. You ever hear that old saying? I doubt if you're really as tough as you THINK you are. TIRK nailed you to a TEE.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i am just like jesus!

    and calm down!
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Originally Posted by martin
    why is a crystal ball any different than praying to jesus?

    who are you to tell me crystal balls are different than jesus? what if i believed in crystal balls? what if i believe that the crystal ball is powered by god, and i can communicate throught it? is that any different than you praying to jesus?

    many catholics believe in transsubstantiation. that LITERALLY the bread and wine of communion become the flesh and blood of jesus christ as part of the eucharist.. now this is clearly comparably stupid to believing in crystal balls. do have the guts to admit that or is off-limits in because we cant admit what we think about people's precious beliefs?

    of course i guess i cant say this in public right jsracing? tough guys like you would beat me up for thought crimes? i guess that is why i have to be a "keyboard hero".
  10. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I didnt say I would "beat you up"
    I said some folks MIGHT or WOULD. Some folk's skin is ALOT thinner than mine. I'd probably walk off laughing.

    You can say whatever you want in public, my observation was this; You'd probably KNOW better than get really RUDE in a face to face situation, or at least I hope you would.

    Ask yourself are you as rude and disrespectful in person? if you are no problem, I'm sure you have some lumps on that noggen to show for it. by you're own words about beating up a law officer, I guessed you were a keyboard hero, I may be wrong. I seriously doubt you would even aspire to talking rude to a police officer much less hit him even if your child was in grave danger. That would get you locked up super quick.

    Again, Ask yourself are you as rude and disrespectful in person?
    But if not, why can't you be the same way everywhere?
    If for instance some one did what you are doing in front of me, I'd probably shrug it off. If you badgered my wife about it, who is a VERY christian woman, I'd probably take you to task, with her disapproval.

    I think both sides of this argument have been pretty much beaten to death.
    We all have beliefs, suffice it to say I respect your's NO MATTER what they are. As a matter of course, you're required to respect freedom of religion to a certain extent in this country. Now before you go off on a tangent about how you feel about laws...... I think Tiger Educated pretty much told you how that story goes. Remember back ? hmmmm? I do, I remember a young man full of himself and his beliefs, telling TE that HE didn't aspire to any laws he didnt believe in. :dis: I got a good laugh out of that tread. TE owned you.

    You obey the laws, you may CLAIM you don't BUT do some of this Heavy duty disrespecting in a public forum face to face with some people and law officers in a small town and SEE how quick you actually DO adhere to the law.

    You need to get off the net for a while martin, you're starting to think You're invincible and all these typed words are Not really people. This isn't an episode of Springer, where you're the designated **** stirrer.

    No one is gonna whip anyone through a monitor, or even likey in person, BECAUSE, I'd bet my eye teeth your not DUMB enough to act the same way in person as you do on here. :wink:

    Have a nice day.

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