Or, in the words of Master Yoda: "Hmmm....chill you must, Mikey. Having just a little fun are we, hmmmmm."
flipping through the channels today i saw this fat idiot john edward the psychic on his show "crossing over" where he magically knows things about his guests. am i allowed to taunt this as stupid? or should i "respect the beliefs" of his fans? when i see this idiot john edward comforting people with his lies and news and words from their dead relatives, i should respect that, right? to take this further, should i "respect the beliefs" of those muslims who believe everyone else is an infidel and might as well be dead? after all, who am i to tell them their beliefs are stupid? you have to respect when people believe in magic right? or i really dont, unless the particular superstition is one you happen to have been indoctrinated with through accident of birth i suppose.
thats just it martin, you dont have to do anything. you can choost to disrespect anyone anywhere anytime. Its your choice. You dont have to agree with someone to show them respect for their beliefs.
yes, i understand i have the freedom to say what i want. what i would like is for people to remove themselves from their beliefs enough that i can be honest about my opinions on their beliefs without them whining that i am disrespecting them. and let me ask you this: do you think my opinion on john edward the psychic should be "i dont agree with him, but i respect his beliefs"? clearly the correct opinion is that his beliefs (or lies) are moronic and should be taunted and belittled as much as possible.
No. That may be YOUR opinion, but not necessarily the CORRECT opinion. That's the distinction that you fail to grasp.
You can express your beliefs minus the condescending tone. You say, 'thin skinned' when in actuality most people dont say anything even though you belittle their beliefs almost as repetitive as TE on John Brady. Your point was made long ago and the fact you think you are right is fine. Stick with it just try a different approach if you choose not to disrespect others. If not, carry on.
so if i ask you what you if you think believing in a psychic with a crystal ball is stupid, you say: "my opinion may or may not be wrong, so i wont call it stupid"? i know you have to say it now to be consistent , but my guess is you might be tempted to admit a psychic is stupid. if not, then nothing is stupid, and we may as well never judge anything as any better or worse than anything else, we can all get in a circle an sing and play bongos and recite poetry.
right. what we really have here is a bunch of people ucomfortable with the fact that they have decided to believe something based on "faith", which by its very nature is irrational and very stupid. and when reminded of the fact that their beliefs are comparable to voodoo or greek mythology are suddenly opposed to others being critical of beliefs based on the lack of evidence. its off-limits to think critically about it, for no other reason than the overwhelming majority are admittedly anti-logic about it.