i dont know how he can say its a success when only half has been paid out. seriously, $400B of $787B Recovery.gov
Is there a depression happening? No? Then it is a success. What are we supposed to do pay for all the projects on day one? It takes time to complete some of these projects and people get paid as the work gets done. Get real.
all the spending, over the long haul, will certainly be a net negative. just making taxpayers pay for crap doesnt fix anything. it makes the economy less efficient and kills jobs, making life worse for millions if not billions. trillion dollar taxpayer bailouts and spending packages do not prevent depressions. they worsen the economy and encourage irresponsible behavior. you couldnt do anything worse if you tried.
Defending Jeffrey Dahmer would be easier, but if he had a (D) after his name, Red would give it a shot.
you cant prove a negative this way via historical evidence. i cant point to right now and say "well we would have had a terrible depression just now but for the magical tax raises!" you have to understand the principles. i know you hate principles, but bear with me. economies are driven by the private sector, not by the government. the government is funded by taxes, which are taken out of the economy, so they are a drag on productivity and efficiency. you cant take money in the form of taxes, and give them right back and you have created wealth. the money was simply taken and given back. nothing was produced. the money that creates government jobs does so at the expense of private jobs. what i can do is know that bailouts and spending do funnel money from taxpayers to well-connected corporations, and these corporations are encourage to continue to be terrible, instead of being replaced by actually competent corporations providing the same services, except without requiring or getting bailouts that punish ordinary folks. bush spent way too much and it punished the economy. obama worsened it. but because of technology and hard work and what remains of the free market, we were able to avoid another depression inspite of, not because of the government trying everything it could to destroy us. thank god for the teabaggers.