Just once I would like for him to be specific on how he plan on doing something. I'm thrilled the gov't is ready to "get serious" about reducting debt but let's actually do it.
Sounds like the whole man made global warming hoax doesn't it. They want to preach, talk and give a good speech but they aren't going to change their lifestyle.
I said that cap and trade worked before to rid us of acid rain. The concept is sound, that doesnt mean that politicians can't mess it up. You have come far, Grasshoppa.
or that sulphur/acid rain is anything like the carbon emissions issue. or that we even really want to reduce carbon. or that we could if we tried. or that we americans can, but really we just send carbon emitting industry overseas. or maybe we can reduce our human emission of carbon, but the natural carbon increases anyways. and maybe the fact that carbon is a relatively small factor in global warming relative to water vapor. you have all these issues figured out, in addition to understanding that the negatives from the carbon tax will be outweighed by the glorious positives of an incredibly tiny reduction in greenhouses gases. all that and you trust the system not to be filled with corruption and incompetence. you have an incredible amount of faith in science and politics.
In fact, sulphur emission reduction is quite a lot like carbon emission reduction. According to the scientific literature and climate experts, CO2 contributes anywhere from 9% to 30% to the overall greenhouse effect. There is a very important distinction to be made between water vapor's role in the Earth's greenhouse effect and it's role in climate change. Water vapor in the troposphere is a feedback effect, it is not a forcing agent. Any artificial deviation in water vapour concentrations is too short lived to change the climate. Too much in the air will quickly rain out, not enough and the abundant ocean surface will provide the difference via evaporation. But once the air is warmed by other means, H2O concentrations will rise and stay high, thus providing the feedback. Calculating the greenhouse effect I have them figured well enough to discuss them intelligently instead of just complaining and asking the same questions over and over and over and over . . . ad nauseum, ad infinitum. Where have I ever said that? You made it up. You don't pay any attention at all. I've made post after post carefully explaining that the politics and the science are quite separate. I trust the science implictly and I distrust the politics explicity and I've made this clear many times. You are tilting at windmills again, Don Quixote.
The stimulus didn't work. Even a Democrat senator Evan Bayh admitted if he started his own private business and created one job it would be more than what congress has created the last six months. As far as Obama doing anything to help the economy he hasn't. No one is going to hire people for a thousand dollar tax credit. If that stimulates the economy why won't I or you hire 5 or 1000 people? The economy isn't going to come back like it could until the dust settles from healthcare, Crap and Tax as well as tax increases from this administrations wreckless spending.