Actually his tax proposals involve taking more from the rich and easing up on the middle class. The rich aren't going anywhere.
Won't work. The rich won't allow it. You think they'll eat a 60% tax? Don't be naive. Eventually Obama will discover that and you and I will end up footing the bill. If it was that simple, it would have been done long ago.
I know that they think rules are for the little people, but there are a lot of us. They ate a 70% tax in the 60's and 70's. Very few of them moved to tax havens like Monaco.
They don't have to move. They have their ways. By the way, watch your boy Geithner. He's asking for legislation that will allow the gov to restrict companies when they are getting too big. Step by step...
That is the problem. The Republicans tried to be Liberal when it came to finances. The dems will continue to get elected until the conservatives start standing for their principles unless the dems really screw things up like they are. In that case lessor of two evils!:dis:
Yah so what. His spending and policies are in still in force. Will you dump the O entitlement programs on the next guy in charge? I think not. I really think you stop rallying behind the anti-Obama people and start rallying for a person with actual principles.