So you are willing to wager that the current defense can carry this team as the defenses Jordan Jefferson had when he was stinking up the QB position, and are content with a QB who can only put up 100 yards a game passing?
Far from it, but I do like the CB's we have and thats what Chief likes, put them one-on-one, then handle the rest of the field. Last year we didn't have this. I do like what I saw in the defense for the Spring game. You should know that Cam is soooooooooooooo much better as an OC than what we had then? I see the QB putting up better numbers than 100 yds/game. In the Spring game they threw for 399 yds. Thats without a number of WR's. When we get the WR's in the fall, Cam will keep teams honest, go back and look at his resume, he does this. DeSean Smith, Dickson, Gordon and Stokes all look very good at setting up mismatches, something Cam like to do. Last year you had two NFL WR's in OBJ and Landry, why wouldn't you use the best you have? I don't see the defense having to carry the offense, Cam is too good a coach. Hes now seen the SEC defenses, he has now gotten a game plan. The offense had to carry the defense a little last year, at times. You could see this in the play calling. There where games last year, LSU could have put 50 on some teams, but backed off. I see LSU as having one of the better OL in the SEC an the nation. I saw them playing a little better together, too many are fighting for that lone position at OG. Having Grimes here helps a bunch, he has worked in well with the staff and hit the ground running. The big OL Tillery, a ND verbal, now looks like LSU has made a move in. Will we get him, don't know, but we have a better shot that we did months ago. Peveto fits in anywhere he goes, I like him with the Special Teams, also helping where needed. You do know that 2011 team avg over 35 pts. a game? Even with the low passing numbers. 9 games that year they were over 40 pts in a game.
What doesn't show up in those 40Pt games and the average is how many of those points the Defense scored or how many times they got a VERY short field, also because of the Defense. I guaran damn tee you that >8 but < 10 was nowhere near that type of scoring average.
Add to it that Jennings did get us the Win vs. a very good Iowa D. Wasn't pretty, but it was a win. I am confident Jennings could get LSU 10 wins. Cam will earn his check this year for sure and our D will ALWAYS keep us in the game.
You hit the nail on the head. Our O numbers were held back by a great defense "Maybe". They are what they are and we will never know if the O would have done more. But there were many 30 yard or less drives that year.
Yep, too many teams were behind that year and had to take chances. Score by Quarters 1st- 2nd- 3rd- 4th- OT-Total LSU 82- 151- 135 - 129- 3- 500 Opponents 32- 53 - 39 - 34 - 0 - 158
@LSUDad what about 7:33 ? I remember the play well. After seeing it there was no doubt in my mind that > 8 but <10 should have never been on the field again unless it was to bring Zach some water.