with Scott, read the rest of the thread. that's been answered several times. and neither QB has any game experience at all. I don't know what you were expecting, but the stats look a hell of a lot better than what I was expecting.
Just expecting a Harvard guy to be smart enough to look off a DB every once in a while:lol:. But it was ok...I am not bashing them, just stating that they STARE DOWN the receiver from the minute they get the ball in their hands. That's not an athleticism thing...thats a mental thing.
Little something they picked up from Matt Flynn. You remember him. They threw zero pics against what may be another top 5 defense. Can't understand how you can possibly be negative about these two gents. I'd say they're stepping up. In a big way. RP will have solid relief if he needs it.
I know Matt Flynn did it...that is why I am a little tired of it. I am not being negative...just pointing out an aspect of their game that could make them better. I didn't ask for Miles to cut the freaking guys??? GEEZ! And I don't think the "scattered" line ups offered either of them a full top 5 defense anyway...but oh my Lord I hope that doesn't sound too negative. The "you remember him" comment must have seemed real cool to you when you wrote it huh....good for you.:thumb:
Someone threw a pick to the LBs that was batted around before the INT. It was the QB for the White team???
Guess I just had different expectations from two kids who've seen no/very little PT against any SEC defense much less LSU defense. The gold defense was clearly the first team. Very little if any mixing. But no matter. The purple defensive front was pretty damned daunting as well. Purple LB and DB dropoff was notable with exception of Brooks in my opinion. Sorry if I came across as sarcastic, arrogant, and ill tempered. Wait. I AM sarcastic, arrogant and ill tempered.... I'm afraid there's no hope. :thumb:
One of the walkons (#17) actually moved the team a bit and looked like he was big enough to play. He definitely threw at least one pic. I believe there were three total, all by walkons. Did you guys see that 5-5, 165 lb RB? That dude has stones. At one point he had to block RJF on a pass play - comedy at its finest. I bet he's a beast in a bar fight.
Now that I have had a good nights sleep, and am not fuming over the baseball game loss...I see your point. I just wanted you to know that I did have a :lol: behind my comment about the QB. I was not trying to be too harsh on them, but after that baseball game I was not in the best of moods. There may be hope after all~