Agreed, took the kids to LSU's spring game again because of cost and atmosphere. My 10 yr old has only gone to one real game and think I'm finally ready to take him to a big game. The cost element (and really nice weather) makes me wonder why there wasn't a bigger crowd. No baseball in town, no professional sports going on in the area, and not even hunting season.
On a serious note, let me pose a question. If ESPN personnel were shown more of a "red-carpet" type of treatment, do you think the PTB in Bristol would be more inclined to broadcast the game?
Got nothing to do with red carpet. ESPN wants to show spring games that are huge events. Notice, the ones they show are usually in front of full or largely-full stadiums. They don't want an empty stadium. Tiger Stadium looks empty with under 30,000 in it.
Yeah, I brought my 3yr old. He loves LSU, loves football, and thinks every athlete is "Zach Make-a-burger" (that's how he pronounces it lol). I brought him to the Idaho game bc we had free tix in the nose bleed and a parking pass, and we only made it through about the first 5 mins of the 3rd qtr. Of course, it was nearly 9:30pm by that time. But still, if I had to pay for tickets and whatnot, there's no way I'd bring him yet. I wondered that, too. It's not like there's all kinds of other shit going on in BTR, and we were unveiling a "new" offense. I'd have thought the attendance would have been much more than it was.