Wow Caca really doesn't appreciate CEH. Haven't seen anyone else on an LSU board say that. He couldn't even answer the question about RBs taken in 2019.
I don’t know whether to question your reading comprehension or your bullheadedness? There’s no place Kiki doesn’t show appreciation for CEH’s skills, production in 2019 or his draft status. It’s obvious that CEH was a quality back when recruited but was never placed as an equal to LF7 or his predecessor at Catholic High the now cancelled DGuice. Likewise it’s doubtful he would have been a first round pick except for hot he fit into KC’s scheme. In fact in the beginning of the 2019 season most saw him as a temporary starter until the 5* freshmen TDP or Emery took over. Those facts do nothing to reduce his tremendous accomplishments. I often clash with @Kikicaca but this time he’s dead on. It seems you have an agenda here....I wonder what that can be?
Guess you can't read either. There are some English 90 classes available for both you and TAP at any local college. You could start with reading Mother Goose easy reading big letters.
Thanks for pointing out the facts to Perple and guess we also have to surmise he can't even spell purple much less have rudimentary reading comprehension skills. Perple's post is a microcosm of exactly what the biased media does which is ignore what conservatives say and put their own biased spin or simply lie. Thanks amigo
Your trapped like a rat, using your own words. Now your backpeddlin' like you newest buddy, the Liberal Winsome.. @Kikicaca to CEH: "Sorry Clyde you're just not a Superstar RB, according to that old buzzard who wanted you to be like that cocka-doodie murderer OJ Simpson. Well..there was that one time you shot & killed somebody, but justified according to his friend & that dirty birdy DA who believed him. We just can't have that mister man, it's hammer time Clyde.."
You're being a 'lil too hard on yourself. Your comes with your aging process & yes it can look like retardation at times. Question 2 you won't & probably can't answer besides the softball NFL Draft question you avoided: IF Clyde-Edwards-Helaire hadn't been a Star Foosball playa for dem Tigahs & shot & killed someone at 2-4 AM in Baton Rouge, where do you think he would be right now? Would he be trying to find the real killer on a golf course like your boy OJ did for awhile, or would he be in Angola? Would DA Hiller Moore have jumped into the case & cleared it almost immediately, like he did? "I don't think so! Weeze gots hold our yutes accountable." He plays for da LSU? ...nevermind.."
No. Hiller Moore is 67 or 68 years old. He's more or les a political figure. That's still youngster to @Kikicaca