Spoiled-rotten gator fans http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/orl-bianchi0808oct08,0,7660784.column Florida fans, biggest a--holes in the SEC. :tigereye:
Complacency noun a feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of impending trouble I hope it last all day Saturday for them.
Not all Gator fans are this way, many of us are thankful for any SEC victory and could care less about how much we won by....just that we won. The BCS system and rankings has bread this attitude into many, and yes some are Tiger fans too, as well as Bama, UGA, OU, Mizzou, and USCw fans. We all have em. What UF does have (also FSU and UM) is an egotistical TMZ wannabe reporter like Bianchi to stir s**t or even create it when it does not exist. If you follow college football in Florida you know what Bianchi and his act is all about. The closest he could get to playing an organized sport is to write about it. If you look up "dweeb" in the dictionary his pic should be there.
Beat-down verb 1. The act of dominating an opponent in every facet of competition; what will happen to the University of Floriday football team Saturday October 11, 2008 courtesy of the LSU.
You could easily change this thread title to "Spoiled rotten Tiger fans" and post a whole bunch of quotes from our fans that sound the same way. Sad, yes.....but true. :bncry:
Well... Arkansas had shut Florida down for three full quarters. Florida drove 64 yards in their first drive and couldn't get anything close to that until the 4th, when Arkansas was completely tired. They gained over 250 yards in the 4th quarter, and that was how it was supposed to be at the start of the game. Florida did not look impressive offensively in that game, regardless of the stats.
as long as you are off the subject... Tim Tebow wears Jacob Hester pajamas... I know its a year old now but hey I thought it was worth a shot.