It's an @$$load better than we had before. in '03 and '04 none of the top 3 would have played each other last year, USC would have played Ohio State and probably won the title, while we played god knows who and got jumped. Same with Florida in '06. '05 we would not have seen USC vs Texas '02 Miami and OSU would not have met
I can see the argument for Texas or whatever, but I think they got it pretty close to right this year, or at least better than in some years past. Florida is a pretty strong team right now and they're playing well. Ole Miss wouldn't beat them very often, it was just their day. Oklahoma has pretty well proved their point too, and I'm not sure any of the other 'contenders', including Texas, would beat them very often on any given day either. Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't rather a playoff either. I just think the BCS got fairly lucky this year. I think it should be set up so every conference should have a championship game, and maybe make some room for some at-larges teams. May the strongest one win. Seems easy enough to me.
I know I'm in the minority, but: I like the controversy and chaos of the current system. I love that every game is a do or die playoff. I love having to stay up until 3 in the morning to see if Boise can beat Hawai'i to put a team 3000 miles away into the title game. I love that we're still debating the '03 title. With a playoff, it would never be mentioned again with the fire and passion like it is today ditto for '04 I love that next year Texas and OU may start shooting at each other due to the increased hatred the system has brought out of them I love that a night game in early October has enormous National Championship implications in front of 92,000 drunk cajuns celebrating the defeat of a "rival" that they never even play. Some of the best movies or books ever written are those that leave you with an "open ending". One that leaves you and your friends to decide what happened, and argue about it for hours and hours that night. Why? Because most movie endings are anti-climactic. They just can't compete with the middle of the movie that had you spellbound on the edge of your seat. Right now, that's what we have in College Football. It's the greatest sport ever created and fills bigger stadiums than any other pro or college sport. It is the ultimate "leave you in suspense" thriller that has you salivating for the sequel. No other sport can offer that. NONE! After the Super Bowl, it's over. No one even mentions it for 6 months or so. Hell, USC and Bama are still talking about the '78 title. Notre Dame is still debating the '93 season. Same with '03 and '04 for USC and Auburn. Nobody else can offer that.