Specifically, What do you like or dislike about Trump?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by onceanlsufan, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    So I said that because it fits in with his past acts. He has been a charlatan all his life and never thought about anything but his self interest. It’s shown in his words and actions. He has no loyalty and has thrown everyone he had no use for under the bus.
    Now look back and see who was among the first to bring out antifa’s participation? I did and have never let the duplicity of the left out of my sights.
    It’s time to realize that Trump isn’t a savior but is destroying the conservative movement and the Constitution. It’s been obvious for a long time the democrat party is falling into the hands of socialists. You can see see the faults of both if you open your eyes. It’s time we demanded and earned better from our so called leadership. The only thing any of them lead in is grabbing money and power.
    COTiger65 likes this.
  2. onceanlsufan

    onceanlsufan Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    I’m not pausing and reflecting on a damn thing any journalist says!!!! They are all part of the problem. If they’d spend more time reporting and less time harassing Trump and making up false narratives about racism, the hate and divide would take care of itself. But those bastards and bitches LIKE stirring up hate. They thrive on it.

    Blacks always bitch that we don’t know how they feel to be politically powerless. Like hell, we don’t. We know exactly how they feel .... every time a journalist lies and makes up shit, and we are powerless to impact the narrative.

    Like I already said, what was just so damn important about Floyd’s death that it warranted National Coverage? ... the punch line is, it promotes the LIE that every black male is being hunted down and shot by police, and it can be used against Trump. 238 ... that’s how many black people were killed by Police in 2019. Out of close to 40 Million people ... 238. AND ... To date this year, only 38! Yeah ... social distancing and getting their asses off the street did wonders. No crime, no problem.

    I know you guys just love my statistics ... LOL .. but the reality is Whites are the ONLY group that are killed out of proportion. Blacks are the LEAST targeted. Now, I know Winston is asking ... how? Well here it is. The breakdown on race for those killed by cops 48% White, 30% Black, 21% Hispanic. The contribution to felony crime breaks down like this ... 30% White, 45% Black, 24% Hispanic. Dividing it out, 48/30 (1.6) White, 30/48 (0.68) Black, 21/24 (0.87) Hispanic. If deaths by cops were equal according to contribution to felony crime, all three would be 1.0. But as you can see, the odds ratio of being killed in any one interaction with police is 1.6 > 0.87 > 0.68. The lying ass media, academics and democrats use “population” to make their case. Completely ignoring that population does not account for the fact that Blacks are responsible for 45% of felony crime. .... the lying ass journalist want you to think that they are over represented because they only make up 12% of the population. If that is the case, they should only be responsible for 12% of the crime .... NOT! Including little ol church ladies who’ve never even gotten a ticket in your analysis is flat out statistical lies. ... lies, damn lies and statistics.

    rant off
  3. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    this is a long article but a very good read. I cannot disagree with him
    onceanlsufan and Bengal B like this.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    No loyalty? Dude is being dragged through the mud for YOU!
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    George W Bush hid out in a super secure nuclear harden bunker in Colorado right after the goat fuckers knocked down the twon towers. The Secret Service took him there without asking. It's what they do.
  6. el005639

    el005639 Founding Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    kcal and Bengal B like this.
  7. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    No sport he’s being dragged through the mud because of who and what he is.

    As to your confused understanding of what I meant about his loyalty ask Jeff Sessions whose early endorsements got Trump on the road to the WH. Ask Michael Cohen his fixer. Ask the contractors he’s stiffed over the years. If fact ask anyone he’s thrown under the bus to protect his ass. His one and only loyalty is to himself.
    COTiger65 and tzanghi like this.
  8. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I’m going to try to separate opinions about Trump from analyzing his prospects in November. In 2016 he won by the narrowest of margins in a few states. To repeat that he needs to hold on to just about every vote he received in 2016 and likely find more. Why? Because this time there is no Jill Stein on the left pulling votes from HRC. In fact there’s no HRC who so many on the left couldn’t stand and stayed home on Election Day. So in the few states where Trump won on the narrowest of margins, he will be facing more votes for Biden than votes for HRC.
    What has he done to add to his vote? It appears he has never really tried to expand his attraction to other voters. Anything that happened before this year including the stock market boom and record employment are negated by the impact of covid and now these riots. How has he been perceived as a leader this year.....not by his ardent supporters but by those on the fence? That’s the question. It seems to me he’s been bleeding support by his words and actions. Much will depend on the next few months and the perception of his opponents. If they fall into radicalism they may alienate enough to provide Trump another narrow victory. If not or Trump continues to flounder in his response to both I believe he loses by record margins.
    This isn’t a prediction yet but an observation. BTW those who support Trump should try to look at the situation as unemotionally as possible. It’s only by cold hard analysis of the situation and enemy can you be effective in countering them.
  9. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    @Winston1 Everything you say above makes the huge assumption that a huge percentage of the voting public will blame Trump for the insurrection. I think you (the rhetorical you) have to be dumber than a bag of rocks thrown by an insurrectionist to come to that conclusion. But no matter. End game begins today. I just saw that Barack will speak publicly about the insurrection today. Here's how it goes down:
    1. Obama calls for an end to the violence. You'll love it, @Winston1 - the speech will be well-crafted, flowery, kind and completely pussified.
    2. Soros and his Antifa lieutentants will get the word out....72 hours tops, and all the insurrection will stop. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if it happens overnight.
    3. Within a week, the calls will begin for the DNC to throw out the results of all primaries to date, and nominate Obama by acclaim as Democrat candidate for president.

    There is no doubt in my mind that I'm right about this.
    shane0911 likes this.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    The bitch was a crook and everyone knew it, Biden has lost just about every part of his mind and everyone knows it. It is scary in America when we have to pick from two candidates that we really don't like. It is absolutely terrifying when you have no idea who the "real" president will be if one of them wins. This goes beyond his choice for VP, this will be the very definition of a shadow government because there is no way sleepy Joe has the mental capacity to be POTUS and you know it.

    I think a lot more people than you want to let on see the progress that Trump made in 3 1/4 years and they heard what each of those democRats had to say during their campaign. I'm not at all worried, in fact I think there is a chance Trump may win Ca.

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