The radio gods here in Texas say this game is the final exam for us. I agree we need to win this game to get back on track. What do you think?
Not sure it is a final exam, but if we lose, it won't be the last time this season for sure. IF, we lose for the same reasons we lost at Florida I predict the conversations on this forum will become somewhat tense. If we win (my instinct says we will), then they buy a 1 week reprieve.
Maybe we'll salvage the season by meeting USC in a bowl game. If only we had a bowl tie-in with the PAC, it would be a great pillow fight.
I think this is a critical game. A win could send us to a 10-2 or 9-3 type season. A loss could spiral and put us in a very bad position of looking at a 7-6 or 8-4 type season.
No doubt saturday is the report card on LSU, win and national hopes are still very much alive, loose and the rats will be abandoning ship. It's funny how high expectations of a season can put SOOOO much pressure on a team to succeed. My expectations every year are to go after an sec championship and let the chips fall where they may from there!
Lattimore needs to be stopped, and the tigers have to compensate for the outside pass rush which will be relentless this weekend.