We got a little break with Mitchell called safe at first in the eighth..but yeah, since when doesn't a hitter get his time out?
what conference are these umps from? from everything i have heard, if anyone says conf usa, it will make sense.
So was your freakin' son in the broadcast booth editing for ESPN... because that is the same shot they repeatedly aired right after the blown call. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Or were not able to see it because your bumpkin Alabama rabbit ears don't pick up that station in your trailer?
I've seen that happen before. The ump does not HAVE to give the hitter time if he doesn't want to. Still sucks though
Exactly. If he didn't see the tag, then he should have let the home plate umpire rule. If he didn't see it either, then it's no out. It was a gross failure on his part and I'm surprised that they let him ump today's game.
I wonder if they could get a video feed on the outfield screen. Might have been a strategic time to show ESPNs view of the non out.
What conference are these umps out of? And will we ever hear an official explanation? I heard on the radio today that they wouldn't comment on a "judgement call". Looked more like a "no judgement call" to me!
When Mitchell came home on the base hit, he slid with cleats out in front, arms up in the air, kind of posing. The throw was cut off. I think it was his way of flippin the ump off.