I am speaking for myself, and you just go right ahead and look out for the whole SEC, but this is a :helmet: board, so I care about :helmet: and no one else.
There are a lot of positive reasons to broaden out your fandom. Think about it, on any given Saturday, AT LEAST ONE of your teams should win and give reason to lift a glass of bourbon. Hell, if one of my fav's suffers defeat, I can always just change the flippin channel and find another. Itttt's great...to be...a Gator fan.... :lol:
sad to say, i agree on all points. i knew from the moment he made the call that he didnt see the play and guessed...also knew there was no way he was going to reverse it. its cool...the Tigers are use to playing from behind. If they were meant to win this series, they will. Honestly, I believe it wouldve been hard to ride that streak to the championship...just wouldve been better to lose game 2 than game 1. Could be a blessing in disguise.
I do love college football period, in fact I love college sports of all kinds, it is just at this particular moment the only team I am concerned about is :helmet:
This isn't a call you have to make. If you don't have a clue what happened you shouldn't make a call.
Where you tell people here that they are acting like a bunch of babies? Why thank you for pointing that out to us. Now we can keep our eyes on you.
Baseball is a little backwards. I think we can all agree on that. They just don't like to overrule another ump, and it probably happens 100x less than it does in a sport like basketball.
if they can have a conference to tell if a ball is a home run or not then they should be able to have one on that play. The 2nd base ump wasnt even looking at the play. If you dont see the play you dont call the guy out. I have umped baseball before, and in that situation its a no brainer, if you dont see it, he is safe, no matter how much they sell it. Great sell by the UCI team, no hard feelings to them what so ever they played a great game. The ump should be fined and suspended. If kids that play and coaches that coach dont do thier job, they are fired, benched, kicked off the team etc. etc. I could care less if this ass hat has a family to feed, he failed at his job, which should lead to at least a suspension for 1 game. No one knows if it would have had an impact on the final score, all i know is if helinihi gets a hit, that pitcher probably gets yanked, and the momentum totally shifts to LSU. And i think everyone knows how the Tigers play when they are hot. Lets kick some anteater ass today!!!!!:geauxtige
Well well well, right on que with another BS call today. Bases loaded and Mitchell asks for time way before the pitch. Ump does not grant it, and it's a strike!!! What the hell is going on? :cuss: