Trump going scorched earth on the prog filth. Got Nancy talking to herself, crazy af. Happy for Rush to be honored as he's irreplaceable as a conservative voice. Impeachment consequences are being paid in full. More in the pipeline (scotus). Probably the best president in my lifetime but I'll wait til after 2023 to decide. Not just saying but demonstrating via policy all the things why America is truly great but have been silenced by msm and the rest of those who truly hate what we stand for. You know who they are. Long overdue. Too much to recount everything. It was pretty fucking amazing start to finish. Well done, Mr. President. Now fire up that Twitter account asap. The hate will be flowing.
Whoever called out "noooo" when Trump began to praise Rush, and again when he announced he would give Rush the Medal of Freedom, needs an ass-whipping.
Was an epic address and will pay great dividends at the polls. The best is that Nancy and the gang and their childish behavior will help him!
See, that's it, "a default endorsement " wtf does that mean? How in the fuck are things worse for you? We finally have a guy that says America is the focus and if it doesn't work for us then it's no deal! What is this "default" bullshit? Are you fucking @Winston1 ?
No. Things have been the same for me since Bush’s tax cuts expired under Obama. Trump didn’t change how much I pay in taxes since then. He didn’t touch me there. Investments have been really good. Endorsement my industry has been hit hard with tariffs. Non endorsement. It is a wash. he is better than the left. Endorsement. He gets a pass. sorry if I can’t be so enthusiastic. The left would be much worse. Is that ok?
Of course The tariffs have hit everyone, at least almost but you have to stay the course. We are on the verge of breaking China (one of my biggest competitors) which will greatly swing things in my favor. Beings China makes everything for cheaper than we can I assume you are in the same boat. Sit tight, work hard and it will pay off grasshoppa
I don’t listen to SOTU and haven’t since Clinton’s first except for W’s after 9/11. They’ve devolved into spectacle . However from reports it seems Trump won hands down. He hit many high notes and his reuniting of the soldier and his family the best. The Democrats shat all over themselves as usual. This is why despite my dislike him I’ll vote for him OVER every other democrat I can.