maybe we should outlaw manufacturing robots because they take away the rights of people to earn a living doing what they did before. PEOPLE DESERVE TO EARN A LIVING DUHHH
is that any different than your arguments as to why it is ok to loan? oh yeah right you have no argument other than to quote the law, which isnt an argument at all, is it. clearly loans result in lost sales just the same as copying does.
You haven't once answered why loss of income through loaning/sharing a book, CD, or DVD is OK but sharing over the internet isn't other than the paper mill which is the law. We want your MORAL ANSWER,not that which pertains to law Red. You know what we are asking, but you have no answer. Thus, you quote law..
Again, no theft has happened. I took my copy, SHARED it over the internet through a secure means, and deleted after use.. What was stole? You have no answer Batman.. Furthermore, not once have I said stealing is fine. Your definition of stealing does not pertain to what I have discussed. Sharing is not stealing.. Stealing, by definition is very clear...So is sharing as is duplicating.
The law says otherwise. There are means by which laws can be changed in this country. Attempting to re-write the dictionary is not one of them. Stealing is stealing, no matter what name you choose to give it.
again, we are not trying to define right and wrong via what some corrupt legislators have made into law. i dunno how many times we have to explain this. if barack obama signed an exective order making something ilegal, would that be right, because government bureaucrats define morality for all?
Society has been defining right and wrong for millenia. And one of the universal "wrongs" is that you don't take something that belongs to someone else. Copyright law protects the rights of artists to the earning potential of their property. What's "corrupt" about that? You can explain 'til the cows come home. Since you're explanation is wrong, you'll still be wasting everyone's time.