Sometimes, high tech isn't better

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by goldengirlfan, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    Dec 31, 2003
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    The Saints early season success has rekindled my interest in the NFL. With the Saints, Cowboys, and Texans not being very good in recent years, I'd rarely watch or read about it, save for keeping up with some former Tigers' Sunday performances (D Davis, Bradie James, et al). I mention the above to point out that I haven't been a big fan of the NFL in a while.

    I remember the first Monday Night Football telecast and looking forward to it every week. One of the most anticipated things about it for me was seeing the previous day's highlights at halftime as this was before we had cable and NFL telecasts, other than the local teams, were few. Howard's narration was sometimes good, sometimes bad, but the film was always good and welcome. They showed you the play. You could see and understand what happened.

    Now, the Chris Berman 3 minutes of whatever at the halftime doesn't show me anything. Amid the smoke and strobe light speed projection, I don't get anything out of it but a headache. And in HD, it looks like a video game to me. Show me the film, clear, unedited, just like it happened. This crap is some of the most overproduced, overedited, bad television I've ever seen. Last night, I sadly realized that I am no longer a part of their target audience. They aren't putting the halftime highlights program together with old farts like me in mind. :nope:

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