Some points about LSU Football Head Coach Les Miles

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerCliff, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. KingEmeritus

    KingEmeritus ofthePoint

    Jun 23, 2010
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  2. TigerCliff

    TigerCliff Veteran Member

    Oct 17, 2009
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    You are right on! CLM coaches himself into the next 10 years would be awesome and nothing that the people that really understand football in BR can do about it.

    The 2011 class is looking to be as strong as any class the Tigers have ever brought to town.

  3. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    True. :thumb:
  4. sunnyjim

    sunnyjim Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Why isn't this more obvious to everybody?

    Few coaches stay longer than 5 years at a division I job anymore. 25-year coaches are a thing of the past. We've already gotten our moneys worth out of Miles with a 10-win average over that span. Anything else is lagniappe. He will either continue to win and leave some day for Michigan or the rocking chair or he will start losing and LSU will replace him. It works that way for everybody.

    As long as he's here and winning, can't we just enjoy it? If Miles starts losing we will replace him! Everybody understands this. Pre-emptive replacement based on the fears of the pessimists is just stupid.
  5. KingEmeritus

    KingEmeritus ofthePoint

    Jun 23, 2010
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    Of course it comes down to number of wins/losses. When someone suggests that Miles is not the man for the job his record gets thrown out. "As long as we are winning, I don't care about the other stuff" is a common theme around here. So the only way to justify his termination to the his supporters is for him not to reach a certain number of wins.
    I'm not sure most "pumpers" would agree that he could coach himself out of a job this year. In the poll about the number of losses, most people said he wouldn't get fired this year. That option in the poll didn't fit the question, unless someone believes it would take more than 12 losses to terminate him.
  6. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    i think most realize that other factors besides wins and losses are in play regarding clm:

    remaining contract, buyout, perception, etc, etc, etc
  7. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    No, most of us are rational enough to know he isn't going 0-12. Now, can he coach himself out of a job? Sure. But to do so THIS year, he would likely have to lose 6 games...and I just don't see it happening. I am one who voted that he will not get fired this season period, but my reasoning is because I think there isn't a chance of him losing 6 games. When I agree that he can coach himself out of a job, I'm talking about in time. I think it's POSSIBLE he could do it in the next two years, but not THIS year.
    I think it would be wise for the decision makers to consider next year's class, and next years potential. To me, things seem to be on the upswing, instead of the sky falling. I was one that didn't realize how much losing Perrilloux was going to affect the team. But in retrospect, I think it's very obvious that it had a tremendous negative affect. With that said, there have also been coaching blunders, bad hires, and questionable retention of bad hires. The bad hires I speak of is the Co-DC crap and Studwara. The retention I question is Studwara. I haven't totally accepted the idea that Crowton is useless, but I'm close. I probably feel about Crowton the way a lot of people feel about Miles. The reason I haven't totally given up on him is because this is his first year to have a returning QB, and I just think it's fair to see if there's improvement there. If the improvement in the offense as a whole isn't pretty substantial though, Crowton's got to go.
    I'll quantify my thoughts on the situation by saying this...

    1)If the LSU offense doesn't improve this season to at least mid pack, Crowton's gotta go.
    2)If the OL isn't vastly improved, Stud has to go.

    For Miles, it's more complicated...

    1)If the offense (including the OL) doesn't improve, AND Stud and Crowton remain...that puts me in the other camp.
    2)If the team doesn't continue to improve over the next two seasons, Miles has to go. By improve, I'm thinking we need to have a better product on the field. We need to dominate teams we should dominate, and beat a couple of great teams, such as Bama/UF. We need to stop losing to OM!
    3)There cannot be another OM moment. The coaching staff cannot display ineptitude like that again.
    4)If we lose a couple of games to teams that may be farther along than we are, fine. But we cannot be blown out by them. We are too talented of a team to be blown out by anyone.

    #4 is the reason I think we were improved last season. We didn't get blown out by anyone. But, aside from AU, we didn't blow anyone out either. And no, I don't think we should run scores up, but we should be comfortably ahead of a team like Vandy, La Tech, etc, at all times, and the backups should be getting reps in the 4th quarter.

    If we don't see those things, Miles WILL coach himself out of a job. Just not this season.
  8. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Then his overall record should not be dismissed out of hand. But it is. Nor should the improvement in the team last year be dismissed. But it is. You want it both ways.
    I see that very rarely. The reality is that everyone wants the team and Miles to improve, but most of us are not so miserable that we can't at least appreciate a win. There are plenty here who cannot even do that.
    And yet, you just saw many of the "pumpers" quote me, and agree with that very statement. Case closed.
    That is not a reflection that he can't be fired. It is a reflection that the team will be better and therefore he won't be fired. There is a massive distinction between the two, so don't try to gloss over it.
  9. Guido Merkins

    Guido Merkins Founding Member

    Oct 22, 2006
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    You are delusional. LSU was not a winning program when Nick Saban took over. Not in any way or in any form. We were in a, more or less, slow decline from the early 70's on and fell off the cliff sometime in the late 80's/early 90s. DiNardo had a couple of decent seasons, but other than that, between Archer and Saban, it was pretty bad.

    I understand you wanting to defend CLM against the memory of Saban, but could we at least give the man some credit for what he did. LSU was a historically great program, but lets not pretend they were a great program when Saban got here. Saban gave the program first class facilities, which it didn't have before. He also made it attractive for local talent to come to LSU instead of Miami or Florida State, where they mostly went in the 80's and 90's. He did a lot for this university.

    I'm not going to post again in here because as many times as I say I don't want Les to fail, I am labeled a hater and it's just not true. I didn't say Auburn was better. I said we couldn't afford to start losing to Auburn, Ole Miss, and Arkansas and I stand behind that. We can be second in the SEC West. If we are worse than that, Les it to blame. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

    As far as what Les has to do, win 9 games most seasons. Go to a BCS Bowl once every 3 or 4 years. I realize he's done that so far, which is why I never once said he should be fired now. I believe anything short of an 8 win season this season and he will be fired and he should be.
    2 people like this.
  10. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Guido you better keep posting. Plenty share your same opinion, they'd just rather not enter into conversation with the few know it all yahoos in here. Good thing is one side will shut the other up soon enough. Here's to hoping the 1st game don't come down to coaching.:thumb:

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