move along, nothing to see here. please disperse peacefully.... :grin: i dont mind the g-ball word. its when people use it after every homer, proclaiming its back, which its not, that twists my panties. people can talk about it in the past tense, but please, learn that what we are seeing today is not baseball in the troglodytes gorilla form.
I guess I deserve that cause it was poorly worded. What I meant was I would be focusing on the big cheese, not looking back. I also don't know if I'd call all of those four "Championships". Two of them definitely, the bracket, no, the regional is technically a "Championship" but this isn't collecting patches like in high school, sorry. I feel that if they go no farther they've FAR exceeded our expectations for this year and have given us a glimpse of what's to come in the near future. Hell, more of what is here NOW, what we are currently experiencing. Amazing, really, for a second year coach to do what he's done already.
Again you are commenting on something taken out of context. He was commenting on how his team responded to him telling them that from here on out every weekend they will be playing for a championship. Which they have and won. So I don't get how that could be bush league he is stating facts. Just like in football... winning the National Championship is great, but the tigers were also SEC Champions and SEC Western Division champions. It is a gradual increase in accomplishments. No matter what happens this weekend this years' baseball team are champions and no one can take that from them. /my 2 cents
Okay. We do agree that no matter what we are Champions. As far as I'm concerned, wininng the SEC alone in his second year would have been satisfactory. Now he messed up cause we're hungry for it all again. Good problem.
I'm glad that I'm single and don't have to answer to anyone re: financial decisions. :lol: Someone wanna explain why men get married anyway? :huh: