I'd rather watch any college women's softball game than anything that Justin Beiber has ever done. Although, I do admit that Beyonce is certainly worth looking at... <img src="https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OVP.zHdnR2jyxQrXVKnASz4ZKAHgEO&pid=15.1&h=270&w=480&c=7&rs=1" alt="" height="100%" width="100%" class="thm"> 4:14 Best Thing I Never Had - Beyoncé 5 years ago vevo.com
Wow. Story hits home cause I happened to be the coach in the game I referenced. Oh, and I stuck with her for much the same. She had a family member who was played FB at McNeese when I was there. She went on to be a very good player. Would hug me when I saw her over the years to follow. What meant even more was that she was a back girl. I know that should not matter but it did.
So I'm watching this garbage and it is about what I expected. Ball coming in 2" off the ground, kicks up dirt 3' in front of the plate and the broad swings at it anyway then looks puzzled as to why she didn't hit it. Good grief, you can train a monkey not to swing at a ball that is rolling towards you. Pitiful
So not only is this like watching a whole bunch of Sammy Sosa (they will swing at anything between the on deck circles) Now I find out you can pull the pitcher, oh but if you need them later they can come back in. Garbage I tell ya. @lsutiga should be ashamed of himself. This is bullshit