I like Dr. Pepper but I only drum 4 or 5 a year. I have met a few people who pretty much drink only Dr. Pepper. No cokes, beer, juice,milk whatever. All of those people were on either crack or opioids.
I'm a Dr Pepper nut. My fluid intake is either water, DP, bourbon or beer. Like if I'm at a restaurant and the Dr Pepper is out I'm having water
Dr Pepper is the nectar of the gods. Which do you prefer? The Dublin Dr Pepper (made with real sugar) or the HFCS Dr Pepper?
Hold on... in the 2 tier system, the top tier is not available to the average cuban and most certainly is available to anyone in the US, unless you count ocare. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/...hcare-system-is-ideal-no-cigar-not-even-close The best example of why the mortality rates are similar, Cuba encourages (you have to get one) abortions in high risk pregnancies and that number does not reflect in the in the mortality rate. Whereas in the US, we have the best infant mortality rate in the world!
Well, I was counting bam bam care where as there is a top eschelon (those with ins) and the rest (those without). Similar, not in structure, but in cause. Fair enough on the abortions and really, infant mortality rates are a poor metrics for making a case, but life expectancies of 77 in Cuba, a 3rd world country existing under half a century in sanctions...I'd say that is a pretty good system under really poor conditions. Bottom line is they encourage a system that is preventative, rather than reactive. They hold a cure (constant treatment) for lung cancer and we don't have a clue? We have the ability to be far superior in healthcare compared to a country stuck in the 50's. I am not saying that is a case for socialized medicine, but damn sure is a better approach. I simply do not trust big pharma and our doctors. We are loaded in fucking pills anymore. We actually have pills to counter the symptoms created by the pills they already give us. It's maddening to be a cancer paitent and have 30 script's to account for. Our diet is falsely perscribed yet they keep pushing that shit along with the pills. It's not our healthcare system that sucks so much as our caring for health that sucks horribly. Doctors are constantly being courted by the pill cartels and shown the door to paradise for shoving that shit down our throats. How can anyone trust that? I certainly don't. That is why I feel our system is fucked. I'm not saying we should adopt the system in Cuba, but there is a lot we should learn from a 3rd world system that is at least focused on health.
Cuba and other socialist countries have to go preventative because there is no money for the treatments. Heck, we have preventative here... eat right, get exercise and see your doc annually. Also, us non 3rd worlders are making massive strides in fighting lung cancer... with measles. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4145613/
There is a soft drink that is mainly brewed in North Carolina, but is distributed to other states (though distro appears random) called Cheerwine. I have referred to it as the nectar of the gods forever. https://cheerwine.com/