you seem to be grossly misinformed. Here's some light reading on the subject.... ... Capitalism has three key elements: Private Property. the government recognizes the right of people to own land, property, inventions, shares and any other form of capital. This is why we call it capitalism. Free markets. People should be able to free to exchange the capital, goods and services among themselves. Entrepreneurship. People should be able to start companies very easily and grow it. Government leaves most of the economy to be run as a negotiation among the private parties. Socialism has three key elements: Social ownership: Methods of production are owned by the society through collective bodies. Income inequality disappears in an ideal socialist word. Restrictions on exchange. A lot of the exchange happens through controlled ways, such as union negotiations, government bodies. Planned economy. The economy is usually planned, often through a centralized way. For all its ill-informed critics calling the Nordic societies as socialist, they are quite capitalist. They recognize private property, allow free exchange of capital and goods, participate in free trade, allow entrepreneurs to start companies and raise money through the financial markets and so on.
You're either ignorant or a liar. All government provide a range of services. Those services do not make the government socialist. FEMA uses taxes and know flood insurance to provide services. @Frogleg provides a better comparison. Your attempt to equate every government function with socialism is more than a reach it's Evel Knivel trying to jump the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle.....a clown show.
This is a step to socialism Rexie. The consequences of implementing this will lead to more draconian measures to soak the "wealthy" for "equality's sake". Employed nationwide it would make us more like Venezuela than the United States.
You're so ridiculously contradictory.... Those services do not make the government socialist. vs. [California single payer] is a step to socialism. You can't have it both ways, dullard. You make zero sense. Single payer is a government service, by every definition of both "government" or "service"... and it's either socialist or it's not. And if THAT government service is socialist so is FEMA, another government service that provides assistance without regard to individual contributions into the program.
LOL, so the military is a socialist function because it provides security for everyone regardless of who pays taxes? Is that your argument? Socialism, is about distribution and reclassification of production and distribution. Its clear you do not understand the difference between the military and disaster relief programs vs healthcare. The fact that you or anyone would favor government ownership of an entire industry such as your health care and have the GOVERNMENT decide whats best for your health is utterly laughable. But then again, you can't function without CNN telling you how to think, FEMA is not an industry. The military is not an industry (not to be confused with the defense industry).
You preening troll! By your definition a monarchy is socialist, a democracy is socialist, a dictatorship is fact you seem to believe every service offered by every form of government is socialist. Only pure anarchy is not socialist. That's not an argument but the idiotic prating of an ignoramus . come back when you grow up Sonny you have nothing to offer here.
No, you incognitive dullard..... just as I've said, there are DEGREES OF SOCIALISM, and even in our capitalist country there are programs that are by nature socialist. Thus the typical Louisiana, Republican opposition to government-provided single payer healthcare on the basis that it's "socialist" is incongruous with the expectation of government-provided disaster relief. Yes, I know.... this is all too conceptual for someone such as yourself.
Rexie @LSUpride123 has nailed it. You're either too stupid to understand the difference between socialism and how government fulfills its duties....or you're a troll who is bending, folding and mutilating the definition to suit your needs. Actually I bet you're both. Why don't you wait for the 10th grade when you have to take civics?