Reeexxxaaane, you don t have to put pn that dress tonight, Rexanne, you don't have to walk the streets for money.
How is FEMA a socialist organization? It's mission is to support citizens and first responders in preventing and recovering from disaster situations. It's efforts consist of infrastructure and humanitarian support. It serves people, people do not serve it.
FEMA is the very EPITOME of a socialist program. It's GOVERNMENT assistance to citizens without regard to what they've paid in.
Every advanced country has programs to help it's citizens in times of natural disasters. It's the humane thing to do. Almost all of those receiving aid are taxpayers. To call it socialist is really reaching. The military protects the nation. Is the military socialist too in your book? The average person pays in way less of the billions and billions needed to fund the military than they do to fund FEMA percentagewise.
Yes. So are the police, the postal service, etc., etc., etc. Why don't you just pay for all those protection services yourself? And, oh, by the way.... is cancer not a "natural disaster"? And why is rescuing your sorry financial ass from a flood any more a "humane thing to do" than rescuing somebody from the financial catastrophe of major medical expenses?
So every country, state, or city down to the tiniest village that uses it's tax revenue for military, police and postal service is a socialist government. As far as the postal service I use it as little as possible. They are becoming less necessary now that most people pay their bills online. When I need to send a package I use UPS of Fedex so I'm already paying for that service. The difference between disaster relief and medical treatment is that when a major hurricane or earthquake strikes large masses of people are all affected at the same time and in a lot of cases the infrastucture of major metropolitan areas are damaged beyond the ability to repair in a timely fashion without assistance. When any major city is a victim of a disaster it affects not only that city but millions of people for many miles away. Medical disasters strike individuals and families and generally don't affect mass groups of people at the same time. If there were to be a pandemic disease outbreak we should expect that FEMA and other agencies would step up the same way they do for a hurricane. We do need a better approach to health services but Obamacare wasn't the answer and I doubt the Republicans will come up with anything much better. It's all controlled by Big Phama and Big Insurance to extract as many dollars as they can from us while delivering less and less.