So what happens to the Cap One Bowl loss ?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TexasTigers, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Milesthebest

    Milesthebest Veteran Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Seriously, just start making sense instead of posting incoherent drivel.
  2. Milesthebest

    Milesthebest Veteran Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Easily explained....I'm NOT a horse racing expert but I have heard this which is a great analogy. There are "mudders" which are specific horses that run better/aren't affected as much in mud than other horses. Penn State has always had and deservingly so of being a "mudder". They don't have track stars usually playing wide receiver and on defense they don't have flashy guys. They aren't known for returning punts and kickoffs for TDs either. LSU can play a power game to SOME degree and although LSU is hardly Boise State with the daring of their offense, compared to Penn State, they actually ARE Boise State. When you have a field where a game should NOT have even been played, it neutralizes the team's advantage in speed and cutting ability because quite frankly you can't cut worth a darn. If you can't understand what I'm saying and what OTHER analysts have said for years about field conditions, then indeed you just simply need to mark it down as something you cannot understand. But like I said, the exact same principle I'm talking about has been used to describe different styles in horses running for years.

    Oh, and BTW, I brought up the cleats issue myself. Cleats only can help you so much....with the field in abhorent condition, cleats are NOT going to make a difference. And also, the players must have been worrying about getting serious injuries on such a field...I was certainly glad when that FARCE of a game was over. It was a "loss" for anyone so shallow they are concerned about a bogus "loss" like that. I would have rather have LSU forfeit "the game" and say, "listen you morons who scheduled 8 games on a grass field in 8 games, I don't want any of my players affected for life due to an injury because you were so retarded to overuse a field like this. Call us when you actually have grass on the field."

    And the very key point...act of God factors are one thing...rain during the game, snow during the game, wind during the game, but this was COMPLETELY MAN MADE. The rain was NOT the factor that destroyed this was playing 8 games of football on the same grass in 8 days. In fact, I think I remember this right. They actually try to patch in some grass a day or so before the game but not surprisingly it didn't take at all in 1 or 2 days. The game should have been MOVED to another stadium or postponed...pure and simple.
  3. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    No really everyone else is making sense. Its ok to be crazy as long as you realize it.

    Also, you dont get paid by the word and the paragraph break is your friend.
    tigermark likes this.
  4. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    All these silly words and you didn't come close to answering the question.

    You're fooling yourself if you think our offense in 2009 was vastly different than Penn St.'s. Oh, Crowton wanted oh-so-badly to be Urban Meyer, but the only time we had any success was when he forgot about that. A good power running game and a good defense was what made us semi-successful that year, not a bunch of razzle-dazzle horseshit.
  5. Milesthebest

    Milesthebest Veteran Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    I like to actually back my statements up with facts/examples/analogies, not Kentucky windage like you do. I'm just glad you aren't getting paid for a useful point being required ...otherwise, it would be "tin cup city" for you on the nearest street corner. :p
  6. Milesthebest

    Milesthebest Veteran Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    Actually, I answered the question and even gave you a non-football example where the same track benefits one competitor over another (horse racing and the mudder)...just like the hideous field benefitted Penn State over LSU. If you HONESTLY think that Penn State had the skill athletes that LSU had...Toliver, Peterson, Ridley, etc that Penn State had, I have some swampland in Florida to sell you. Wait, something else just came open...there is a field in GREAT condition that only was used by some grandmothers to walk around. OK, OK, there were 8 football games played on it in a week's time and it got torn to hell, and the people got so embarassed by their stupidity that the very next year, they had artificial turf in place. :) Interested in buying it?

    BTW, where did I EVER say "razzle-dazzle"? I did NOT say that. I'm saying that if you took the top several skill position players from that game, LSU would have had the "Lions" (pardon the pun) share. I believe Trindon Holliday was there also right? Do you think Holliday could have approached hiw 40 time on a field that was SHIT! And please refer me to the Penn State player REMOTELY close in speed to TD in that game. Answer, there was none! Once again, this FIASCO was MAN MADE which is the difference between blaming a "loss" on a field here and NOT blaming a loss in the Miami vs LSU game where Miami cleaned LSU's clock many years ago in the "hurricane game" played in Baton Rouge. That was an act of God....this Capital Bowl game was the MORONIC act of the people who leased out the field to be used umteen times.
  7. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Just because you add a few thousand more words to your explanation doesn't mean that it makes anymore sense. Again, you are failing to illustrate how a shitty field hurts us more than them. If we had superior athletes (we did), then they would have still been superior on a sloppy field. This is really simple and doesn't necessitate analogies.
    LSUTiga likes this.
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Then let me be more precise: Coming here worrying about Cap One Bowl loss. No matter how you slice it. I'll stand on what I said.
  9. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Then let me be more precise: Coming here worrying about Cap One Bowl loss. No matter how you slice it. I'll stand on what I said.
  10. Milesthebest

    Milesthebest Veteran Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    I'll stand on what I said. Not only did I NOT say what you claimed I said, but also, I was NOT the one who started this topic. And when others start posting revisionist history about what happened in the game, thanks but no thanks, I'm going to respond. Tell you what...don't be hypocritical and start attacking me for talking about the game when you said squat about the others who talked about it.

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