First, you have made a faulty assumption. Nowhere did I "come on here thinking about a Cap I bowl win". I knew that LSU would not be awarded a win....a vacated win is not the same as a forfeit. That is just to correct the record there which you misstated. Everything you mentioned about time zones and I will throw in bad weather are NOT man made! This field was a disaster NOT by time zone changes NOR an act of God. That field was SHIT because the MORONS in Florida scheduled 8 games in 1 week on a natural grass football field. BTW, remember when the Saints used LSU's field for a few games in the Katrina season? You remember that the field was DESTROYED and luckily for LSU, they came out ahead ultimately because they got the NFL's top field guy to redo the field and didn't have to pay one cent for it. I would say LSU got a huge break since the field has been the best it has ever been since it was destroyed due to that NFL "grass guru" doing his thing. That is exactly what happens when you overuse a field, and once again, it isn't even the "lesser" team necessarily that is the team whose offense isn't based on speed, changing directions, playing aggressive defense, having the better special teams return game, etc. Oh, and for the record, in all my years of watching football, that is the ONLY time I ever called up my brother who I knew was going to watch the game and said, "My God, are they really going to try to play a football game on that field. That is an embarassment to college football!" That was during pregame when the network had somebody just pulling up the grass in clumps and saying that 8 games were being played on that field in 1 week.
doesnt matter if you play on the fn moon. Its the same for both teams. pathetic excuse makers are annoying especially in sports.
Blaming the loss on the field really only works if the other team played on a different one. We played about as vanilla and uninspired of a game as we did against the gumps.
Noooo, blaming a loss of acts of God like a lot of rain or bad winds that day is an excuse. But having the field in UNPLAYABLE condition as that field was is just stating a FACT! God wasn't the one who told them to play 8 games on a natural field in 1 week's time. That was MORONIC guys/gals who made this decision. Once again, the broadcast team made everything clear before the game so obviously weren't on the bowl's payroll. When the grass is totally destroyed not due to rain but due to overuse, that "game" becomes a joke and invalid. And once again, for those who ridiculously claim that it affects both teams the same or that both teams have to put it with the field in the same way, That is bogus and stupid! Hey, if you don't understand how football works, just admit it. Forget that, you don't have to admit it AGAIN...your previous statements have already done that!
Actually, there is ONE specific case I would! IF LSU lost to Mississippi State at Starkville with the cowbells going DURING the running of plays where signals are called and it made difference in some plays where calls were missed due to the ILLEGAL noise (not allowed under SEC rules to do it at that time), ABSOLUTELY, I would blame a loss on those cowbells used illegally! But just normal crowd noise, no, but then again, I have yet to see a fan come on to the field and destroy the grass or the crowd noise vibrate the grass out of the ground.
Kindly explain to the group how it was a detriment to us & not Penn St. Oh, I'm sure you're going to say that it "neutralized our speed", at which point I would ask you what kind of fucking cleats Penn St was wearing so that their speed wasn't neutralized. Seriously, get over it. Everyone acknoledges that the field conditions were a joke. But Penn St also showed up for the game, which was about all it took to beat us that day.