BS he hates LSU and was cheering the thought of the pigs winning. He has been in Shreveport too long (also his daughter went to Ole Piss).
I don't mind Danielson but Verne has the be the worst announcer in the history of announcers. Can't stand him.
I watch Brando's show on CBS (radio show that is simulcast). He loves LSU and loves Les Miles. Always speaks highly of the program.
Verne thought Auburn was going for 2 on their first TD and got all excited until Danielson had to tell him that's how Auburn initially lines up after every kick, then they go into a standard kick formation. Come on, Verne. Oh wait, I forget you only care about Bama, why would you know anything about how Auburn does things.
I believe the new ESPN contract still leaves CBS with the 1st pick for the 2:30 games and their one primetime game each year.