I just pulled that 80% out of the air and have no idea what ANY LSU coaches' winning percentages are. By "both" I meant percentage AND "real numbers" as in number of games. Oh, and I'm right, we do need both. 80% of 100 is > 80% of 10. Capiche? You, like me, are an English person and numbers escape you/us (other than daily limits). It's okay.
yep, these last 8 years under Miles have been one of the great eras that any fanbase in the history of college football has gotten to experience under one coach. it's truly a blessing.
Clm is right near the top of sec football win%. Win a nc last year and you could argue he's the best sec coach ever. Yes he's that close.
Hmm. I agree. But....because we are in this Golden Era that started with Saban, expectations are now much higher. 80s or 90s era LSU football is now completely unacceptable. And because this IS the golden era, the humiliating loss to Alabama (which allowed them to become a self professed dynasty and prevented that LSU team from being labelled possibly the best in college football history), losing 3 of 4 bowl games (and underperforming in them) and 5 years of pitiful offense...these things are all unacceptable in a Golden Age.
Thank goodness we have had 2 AD'S who didn't/don't agree that Miles' record is unacceptable. I love the program and the success we have had, and the continuity. Great coaches don't grow on trees and I'm not sure any other coaches would be able to put up with such a fickle fanbase if they came here and had a rough start. Like the doomsayers have been doing for 8 years I'll go out on a limb and make a prediction. Les Miles will be here 10 more years and win 3 more SEC titles and 2 more national championships. And crack up when the vocal minorities bitch about that.
People should take a look around, look at the three openings in the SEC this past year and look what coaches they filled them with. Would you take anyone of those coaches over Les? Oh yea, the names come out to woodwork, Gruden, Cowher, Dungy, etc. for the SEC jobs every year, an who did they get?
Yep, tell me about it. I have a question for you. I was talking with a coach the other night about the three openings (This coach has coached at many of the SEC schools), of the three Tenn, Ark and Aubarn, what one school would you rank the lower? After a few answers, I'll give his reply.