Damn, you're a picky mf'r. I'll ask my gd chickens if they are high in Omega 3. I know they are high in eating bugs and shit from the yard.
I don't know it means and I'm not going to Google it. That's what eating Army food for all those years will do to you. ]
ICAT (This is my new social media abbreviation, for when LOL just seems to be too strong a reaction. It means I Chuckled at That. I think it fills a desperate need)
Sounds great. Burgers on the grill defines football. I agree we all chip in So where is the campground? Is it near the course? I’ll be driving down Saturday morning. Going to be interesting. I can’t wait to meet you all.
y’all need to start planning for next year soon so some of us more unfortunate ones who need some time to work out schedules could come and lose to y’all asking for a friend....