He already did that this time, normally don't take tee times until 4 days out. We were just up against a scramble.
Can you give me until tomorrow? I don't think the pro works on Mondays, so I won't be able to find out about the 19th today.
Utah State game will likely be on SEC Net at 6:00. That's Oct. 5. Florida, Oct. 12. I could play, but not attend game viewing. Election night, and I have to work. Oct. 19 is already out there as a possibility. I am also likely out for the 26th, as I may be force to attend a wedding of 2 lesbians who I have never met. Trying to get out of it. Nov. 2 is off week, we could play anyway. I await feedback. Edit: Also have to assume CBS will put either the FU or Auburn games at 2:30. Maybe both.
Of these, Oct 5 and Oct 26th are the only ones I could attend. I would rather have the golf on the 5th and try to crash the lesbians' wedding on the 26th if I get a vote.