Hey @CajunlostinCali why have you not RSVP'd? I offered a flight for gramps, he turned it down. You want in then let me know! Crazy fucker
Only if Tiga is my date. Truth is I have 2 full-time jobs and a consulting gig on the side. I will actually be in Utah performing an audit for a friend that weekend. Pics, or this thing never happened...
So it looks like we have 5 players, @mctiger @shane0911 @65Grad @Chipeace @Winston1 plus a small (peanut?) gallery. Tee time preferences?
I plan on arriving around 3 ish on Friday. Should have the camper set up within an hour after that, if anyone wants to get together for a drink.
Sadly, I will be working until about 10:30 Friday and if I don't go right home to bed, I'll never make it on Saturday.