In a perfect world with unicorns that eat Skittles and fart rainbows, no. We shouldn't. However, as Rex seems to enjoy pointing out to us, this is far from a perfect world.
the obvious answer is -- yes, if it is better than the alternative. we have no obligation to directly promote democracy in other countries. it is always those peoples exclusive obligation. but we should not stifle democratic movements. geopolitics is definitely not for wimps.
We must do whatever is best for US interests. We back dozens of dictators. We have to deal with every country on the planet and some of them are ruled by monarchs and strongmen. We back moderate dictators like the Saudis and the Emirs. We do not back radical dictators like in Sudan. And when revolutions happen and the people take over, we change allegiances. Our failure to do this with the Shah of Iran lead to the 1979 crisis and decades of animosity. The Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia have been friendly to the US for many decades, but if there is a revolution, we must recognize it. No strongman lasts forever.
Castro would be defind as a benovelent dictator IMO ...but I guess he is not really current is he. By the way, I know it sounds weird to us, but dictators are not always bad. Some people just ain’t ready for democracy. So as long as they have no nukes, and they aren’t committing mass genocide, let them be and throw them some support from time to time.
Islamic extremist want all non belivers in Islam to either commit to Islam or die. If my wife and kid refuses to renounce their Christian belief then they would be marked for death by Islamic extremist. Anyone who openly states the desire to kill my family and ever other family that isn't Muslims in the united states should be proclaimed as enemys. It is the goverments primary function to protect it's citizens from these people. I would rather a dictator that doesn't want to kill my wife and kid over a democracy that does.