If we all didn't know how much you hate O for whatever reason we might take your points more seriously. Maybe you dislike O because you have something against us Cajuns. Jealousy perhaps? I would say go look at the OL depth chart for next year and understand we are not through recruiting yet but I think you know all this. You're just full of it.
Good point @Kikicaca, can't lose what you don't have. The year long obsession of recruitniks for this 5 star was clearly wasted time,. We should just look in thd transfer portal, like how we got the othe Havaad star OL. And those guys on Tos, all 3 or 4 laighing at the Joe Moore trophy, saying it caused a reverse effect, will no doubt be damned to heck!
2019 OL Cushenberry: 3* Deculus: 4* Magee: 4* Charles: 4* Lewis: 3* 2021 Potential Olinemen on roster Deculus 4* Hines 4* Ingram 4* Bradford 4* Rosenthal 4* Wire 4* Thomas 4* Dummervil 4* Martinez 3* Shanahan 3* Perry 4* Hill 3* Dellinger 4* Kimo 3* The cupboard is exactly “bare”
Ignorance and arrogance aside, why do you have so little regard for your opinions that you have to resort to bigotry? I have plenty of things that would make me look bad too, but you should leave posts like this at the door. You’re better than that. Not by a lot, but still. I hope you don’t actually say those things. Ed would stop a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry if you said that to his face.
My opinion of O has nothing to do with it. Against Cajuns?? Get real. How can I be jeolous, when I am a Cajun? Just don't wonder why the LSU butt is roundly kicked again next year, by several schools. Everyone at LSU has studied that OL depth chart. Consensus seems to be we needed a lot of OL in this class & failed.
Ed Orangutang is a 5' 10" fat coonass, 60 years old. The only mudhole that Shrimper will stomp is his own, in coaching of course. Then LSU can win again.
Do you know any “insiders” who can tell you if he is in the clear on the Title IX shit? You may get your wish.