be excused from the death penalty. If someone who is mentally handicapped kills someone, should that person be put to death? The State of Texas Cannot Execute The Mentally Retarded, But That May Not Prevent A Dallas Cop Killer From Being Put To Death. - Page 1 - News - Dallas - Dallas Observer this happened about 5 years ago, and this crosses a couple of lines that are controversial issues. First of all the cop killer was an illegal immigrant, secondly i guess they are trying to say he is mentally retarded. Honestly i think he should receive the death penalty. You cannot tell me that this guy didn't know that shooting a cop was the wrong thing to do. How does everyone else feel about this issue?
im against the death penalty anyway, but i think it all comes down to intent, retarded or not. so i actually think that attempted murder should have the same penalty as murder, and it pisses me off to no end when judges consider the victim's family in sentencing.
I had you pegged for a guy that would consider the family's thoughts. I'm not really much for trying to get a harder conviction on someone's thoughts. It's really about facts to me.
I forgot to post about the topic, oops. It's a slippery slope, IMO. I think if you start saying what's handicapped and what isn't, you're setting yourself up for problems. If a handicapped person knows it then yes. If they don't, then no. I mean, Carl reckoned he aimed to kill that feller, mmmhmm.
The death penalty is an anachronism left from a time when society had no way to protect itself from truly evil individuals. In these times where we can ensure a bad guy can be locked away never to harm anyone again the death penalty has no place.
But what's the point? What if a guy like this rapes and kills some little girl? Why should we have to pay to sustain their lives behind bars? I don't know i can sit here and say i don't agree with the death penalty but then that question always comes up, "well what if it were your daughter who was killed" then hell yeah i'm for it, and then the other side of the coin "well what if it were your daughter who killed" then its like, maybe i'm not for it.
Does this answer have to do with your position of pro-life. The reason why I ask is because I can understand how people who are pro-life reconcile their position on being for the death penalty. Ive heard the arguments, still can't make a satisfactory connection.