Short Pre-Game Prayer for Today

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by gynojunkie, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. gynojunkie

    gynojunkie "Pooties R Us"

    Sep 5, 2010
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    O, Lord, we beseech Thee

    Not that You would intercede for us in the coming battle
    But that You would only allow us to do that which we are able
    To the best of our abilities; each of us a Honey Badger
    In attitude and play. And ball awareness.

    We do not ask for home field advantage--we already have it, Lord,
    Because we Own the Gators. Thus, The Swamp, for today only,
    Is Our House. Thank you anyway, Lord.

    We ask that our players, especially our O-Line,
    Not be allowed to drink of soporific waters
    As happened last week, you recall, O Lord.
    But rather, let us be filled with Waters of the Highest Energy
    Such as Five Hour Energy, Red Bull and others to Your liking.

    Of Divine Intercession, Lord, we ask only this:
    May the hemorrhoidal unguental balm of Muschamp
    Undergo Epic Fail
    By as early as the Second Quarter.
    Is that asking too much, Lord?

    Lord, we know that You are wearing the Purple and Gold
    Today, as during all Saturdays in The Season of the SEC
    Grant that CLM --"Lesticles" -- as he is sometimes known--
    Be allowed to grow a pair of those very same gifts
    And may he apply their God-given aggression and ferociousness
    Especially as regards "The Playbook Of The O-Line"

    May CLM be today that Leader of Legend
    Who once smote Florida by his craftiness
    May another Puntus Fakuum be in his bag of tricks today.
    May our Prayer take Wing--as he scoots into the End Zone.

    We ask that You allow our opponents to play their best
    Knowing in Your mercy--and to cover the spread--
    That It Shall Not Be Good Enough.

    May the bowels of our opponents be rent asunder
    Such that they may have two pathways to release their Daily Burden

    So let it be written
    So let it be done.

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