What’s interesting about that, too, is that “risk factors “ to be on a statin are age, and diabetes, amongst others. So, say I have diabetes and am >50, I then go on a statin with the side effects of increasing my blood sugar and promoting dementia? Give me a heart attack and quick death any day of the week, personally, over a slow insidious dementia with the other daily side effects that @shane0911 eludes to. Again, that assumes other things being equal. I’m a healthy guy who exercises regularly, have smart eating habits, a reasonable BMI, no diabetes, etc. BMI matters in this decision equation. Waist:HT ratio is even a better indicator for adults.
Been following Dr eades and his wife Dr eades since they wrote Protein Power. Michael and Mary. Hes been writing a blog for over a decade doing follow-ups and such. This was last year so it's timely and relevant. Long so I'll quote it