I am not a doctor. However, it is not a live virus used in the vaccine, unlike the older vaccine. I have seen nothing to indicate any chance of getting shingles because of the vaccine.
I asked my doc about Shingles vaccine. Got kind of a “meh” answer. None of the clinics in my town give it, just the hospital and the Pharmacies. He said it is expensive. I’m looking at a local VA clinic, but they have yet to receive the new vaccine. Shane: I hate the cholesterol meds. I am on my 6th or 7th statin and finally found one I can semi-tolerate. Try changing until you can find one that is not Terrible. My guy said average is 4 or 5 changes before getting there, . Good luck.
You have to call your insurance company to see if they will cover it. My doc has been trying to get me to do that but I keep forgetting
It was strange. I “think” the practice had been burned by othering the time sensitive vaccines and then no one would take it. This conversation occurred concerning the previous version of the vaccine. As I understand it, the brand new version is much more effective. I go back in a couple of weeks and will check again. Apparently, according to my pharmacist, insurance, at least a year ago, was generally not covering.
Yes, according to what I have seen, the old vaccine was about 50%, the new vaccine over 95%. Btw, in case any one is wondering, I do not work for the pharmaceutical company making the vaccine, do not own its stock, and have no financial interest in this other than my own of not contracting the disease, I became concerned when two people I know contracted it, one of them with an absolutely horrendous case where he is on Oxy every three hours and still describes the pain as unbearable.
I am notoriously bad at taking meds. Mostly because I just don't like any of them so that is why I have to figure out how to get that number down. While I could stand to lose a few pounds that is not the issue @tirk it is cholesterol
Just FYI. From WEB MD Does weight affect your cholesterol levels? ANSWER Being overweight is in itself a risk factor for heart disease. It also can increase your cholesterol. Losing weight will help lower your LDL, total cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. At the same time it can help you raise your HDL.