Great read. Very impressive young man. Link below.
Dude is strong as an ox and a very talented fighter. He also runs with the baddest man on the planet, Jon Bones Jones.
Not a MMA fan, but I like seeing Tigers having success in anything. Especially when its a guy who didn't get a lot of attention when he was here. Good for you, SJ. And thanks for the link, Randy.
Worked out at a place for a little while where he trained and/or worked. Super nice guy and just as genuinely nice and humble as the article portrays.
H he must like losing. I've never been impressed with Kongo. Looks like he'd beat everyone's ass, but fights like crap. can't do crap on the ground. can't wait till Shawn ko's him.
The article said he willingly took a drug test when released from jail and passed. He said he would never have taken roids because he understood the long term impact. He was also a big, strong kid at an early age. I don't know him or have any other information to really know for sure. Just out of curiosity, what do they test for in UFC?