Have the spring game Saturday Night in Tiger Stadium! Come on, can there really be any other way? Seriously though, they need to make it at a better time than 5 pm on a Friday. I had to get off of work 3 hours early to make it to the game. I really want to make it this year, and I'm not sure I could get off that early again.
I am suggesting an office fieldtrip if it is early again. I think Friday is fine as long as it is at night, 7 or 8.
Yeah, but it's no where near the price for regular games. Don't remember the exact amount though. Help please?
From what I read in an earlier post, the spring game is set for saturday April 24th in the afternoon. LSU Baseball is out of town (at Tennessee) that weekend...so there should be a REALLY good turnout... If i remember last year, the ticket price was like $5....
I think we should mount a campaign to convince the powers that be to move the game to Saturday night.