To be fair, I read the whole thing. To be even more fair, women have been doing mens research for centuries. Some unwritten code of passage we have yet to be informed of, but are not allowed to forget.
I don't drink no pina colada, but it really is,.. reading you and @uscvball discussing men vs women economics, made me think about how much girls pay for hair and skin products compared to men. I briefly looked after I posted, there are $150 bottles of shampoo out there, and many being sold for $50+,.. I don't think I've ever paid even $5.
The beauty industry for women is the biggest ripoff on the planet. Product manufacturers and advertisers convincing women they need all that crap to feel worthy or attract a man. 90% of the crap sold for hundreds at department stores can be bought for 1/10th the price at the local Target and the quality isn't much different. Men's cologne can be expensive but it doesn't touch the cost of perfume. "In 2010, Consumer Reports surveyed drugstore products and found the women's versions of the same product might cost up to 50% more than the men's. A California study in the 90's found gender-based pricing cost women more than $1,300 extra each year." "A recent study by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs found that haircare products for women cost on average 48% more than the same items meant for men. It found that female razors are 11% more expensive than men's. Jeans cost 10% more. Even toys marketed to little girls are 11% pricier compared to those for boys......The report by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs, released in December, found similar patterns. It compared nearly 800 products with clear male and female versions from more than 90 brands sold in New York, both online and in stores. It found that women pay more in 42% of cases." Don't even get me started on dry cleaning.